  • 期刊


Effect of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth Promotion of Citrus


調查本省八處柑橘園土壤樣品囊叢枝菌根菌之發生情形,結果顯示所有根系樣品均可發現菌根之形成,惟菌根形成率差異很大,一般距地表0-15公分之根系,菌根形成率較高,厚膜孢子數亦較多。溫室接種試驗顯示,囊叢枝菌根菌對柑橘生長促進效果,菌種間有明顯差異,接種Glomus uggregalum, G. etunicatum, G. fasciculatum, G. geosporum及G. mosseae之酸橘,菌根植株高度分別為42.8,36.1,29.8,40.9及30.5公分,非菌根植株高度為30.7公分。供試八種柑橘砧木酸橘、酸橙、枳柚、特洛伊根橙、苦柚、夏伯粗檸檬、粗檸檬及廣東(木黎)檬,菌根與非菌根植株之高度,除枳柚差異不顯著,其餘品種均達顯著差異。在柑橘栽培土中添加堆肥,對菌根酸橘生長之影響,除添加樹皮堆肥者株高較矮,其餘處理與未添加之對照並無差異。土壤質地對酸橘植株菌根形成有影響,種植在砂質土之植株,菌根形成率較種植於砂質壤土與壤土者為高,原因與土壤肥份高低可能有關,在壤土中由於肥分高,菌根形成率較低,菌根與非菌根植株株高並無差異,砂質土由於肥分低,菌根與非菌根植株株高、地上部鮮重有顯著差異。


Soil samples including root sections from 8 citrus orchards in Taiwan were collected to investigate the mycorrhizal formation of citrus and results indicated that all root samples formed mycorrhizae. Heavy mycorrhizal formation and chlamydospores were commonly present in the rhizospherical soil collected from top 15 cm depth than those collected from below 15 cm. Growth response of sunki seedlings inoculated with Glomus aggregatum, C. etunicatum, G. Fasciculatum, C. geosporum and G. mosseae was significantly different and the height of mycorrhizal seedlings was 42.8, 36.1, 29.8, 40.9 and 30.5 cm, respectively, whereas that of non-mycorrhizal seedlings was 30.7 cm. In 8 tested citrus rootstocks except citrumelo, plant height of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedlings was significantly different. Effect of culture media amended with/without compost such as cattle manure, chicken manure, bark manure or sawdust manure on the growth of mycorrhizal sunki seedings was tested, and the height of seedlings planted in media with bark manure was shorter than any other treatments. Soil from different source could affect the growth and mycorrhizal formation of sunki seedlings. Colonization rate of sunki seedlings planted in sandy soil was the highest, while those planted in loam was the lowest, and this might be related to soil fertility, In sandy soil, the growth response of sunki seedlings inoculated with G. aggregatum was significant, but those planted in loam was not.


Citrus Growth promotion VA mycorrhizal fungi


