  • 期刊


Trapping Effectiveness of Guava Fruit in a Net Bag for the Melon Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Sponge Gourd Field


含成熟番石榴果實之網袋包外套粘板,在絲瓜園比不含果餌或含絲瓜幼果之網袋包,能誘得較多之瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett),且誘得之雌蟲量多於雄蟲。2002年在絲瓜園試驗結果,在有懸掛網袋包試區確可誘殺大量之雌、雄蟲,與只噴農藥無懸掛之對照區比較,在三週之後即可明顯的降低被害瓜率並獲得614%之防治率,因而減少殺蟲劑之施用。另由園區族群目測調查結果,在網袋包懸掛區內目測之雌蟲,較懸掛試區之雄蟲或無懸掛對照區之雌、雄蟲多3.7~7倍。由懸掛網袋包試區開始調查時,明顯可見到較多之雌蟲及整體誘得懷卵雌蟲百分率之下降趨勢,亦可顯示出番石榴網袋包在絲瓜園對瓜實蠅確有良好之誘殺效果。


果實網袋包 絲瓜 瓜實蠅


Ripe guava fruits in net bag wrapped with sticky board (guava-sticky-bag) could attract more female melon flies (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett) than the treatments that with young sponge gourd or no fruit in the net bag in sponge gourd field. Results of the experiment conducted in a sponge gourd field in 2002 showed that the guava-sticky-bag trapped a large number of female and male flies and reduced the percentage of the infested fruit. A6 1.4% control rate was obtained after using guava-sticky-bag for 3 weeks, compared with the control treatment which only use insecticide to control the melon fly. The use of guava-sticky-bags resulted in the reduction of chemical application in sponge gourd field. From the observations of the fly population occurred in the field, we found that there were 3.7 to 7 folds more of the females in the guava-sticky-bag treated plot than the males in the same plot or than the total of female and male flies in the control plot. Based on the results of more female flies found in the guava-sticky-bag treated plot and the decreasing tendency of the percentage of trapped gravid female, it shows that the guava-sticky-bag can trap the melon fly effectively in sponge gourd field.
