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Morphometric Study of White Croaker, Argyrosomus argentatus (Houttuyn), in the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait


本報告爲東海南區、臺灣海峽產白口魚形態測定之研究,其結果如以下所述: 1.本種魚之第二背鰭軟條數、胸鰭軟條數及臀鰭軟條數等,東海南區者有多於臺灣海峽者之現象。 2.臺灣海峽產本種魚之鰓耙數比東海南區者多。鰓條骨數及脊椎骨數等,兩海區間則無差異。 3.全長與10個形態形質之廻歸直線,各區內雌雄間之比較,其中頭長、前鰓蓋骨前部長、上顎長、吻長、背鰭前部長、背鰭基底長、腹鰭前部長及臀鰭前部長等8個形態形質在廻歸係數或修正平均值上,雌雄間有顯著差異。 4.全長與10個形態形質之廻歸直線,雌雄別海區間之比較。廻歸係數有差異之形態形質有鱗長、吻長、背鰭前部長及臀鰭前部長等。修正平均值有差異者,背鰭基底長爲東海南區者大於臺灣海峽者;而頭長、前鰓蓋骨前部長、上顎長、背鰭前部長及腹鰭前部長等則皆爲臺灣海峽者大於東海南區者。 以上所述本種魚之體節形質及形態形質,東海南區與臺灣海峽間有顯著之差異存在。




Samples of white croaker, Argyrosomus argentatus (Houttuyn), were collected monthly from the catches of bull trawlers which operated in the southern area of the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait from January to December 1970. The meristic and morphometric characters of the collected species were studied, and results are summarized as follows: 1. The number of the 2nd dorsal fin rays, pectoral fin rays and anal fin rays of the present species in the southern area of the East China Sea are all more than that in the Taiwan Strait. However, the number of gill rakers in the latter is more than that of the former. No significant difference was found between specimen from these two areas in number of branchiostegal rays and vertebrae. 2. There are significant differences between sexes in regard to the regression coefficient and the adjusted mean of the regression lines of many of the morphometric characters using total length as basis of measurement. Such morphometric characters include head length, tip of snout to the preopercle, upper jaw, snout length, tip of snout to the insertion of 1st dorsal fin, length of dorsal fin base, tip of snout to the insertion of ventral fin, and tip of snout to the insertion of anal fin. 3. There are significant differences between the fish from the southern area of the East China Sea and, the Taiwan Strait in regard to the regression coefficient of the morphometric characters using total length as basis of measurement. These morphometric characters include scale length, snout length, tip of snout to the insertion of 1st dorsal fin, and tip of snout to the insertion of anal fin on total length. In regard to the adjusted mean of the regression lines, the length of dorsal fin base versus total length is greater with fish from the southern area of the East China Sea than those from the Taiwan Strait. However, the head length, tip of Snout to preopercle, upper jaw, tip of snout to the insertion of 1st dorsal fin, and tip of snout to the insertion of ventral fin versus total length of' fish from the Taiwan Strait are all greater than those from the southern area of the East China Sea. Therefore, concrning the meristic and the morphometric characters, the said fish in the Taiwan Strait is significantly different fom those in the southern area of the East China Sea.




