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Effects of Heavy Metals and Pesticides on the Mass Mortalities of Cultured Shellfishes along the Southwest Coast of Taiwan


近數年來,臺灣西南淺海養殖牡蠣、文蛤在4、5月間常有大量斃死之現象發生,為知其死亡之原因,以為將來防範之參考,乃就重金屬、農藥、河川及海水之水質化學、生物檢定各方面詳加研究,此首篇報告係檢討重金屬與農藥之關係。在民國62年3月至63年3月一整年間,每隔一月左右自雲林之三條崙與金湖,嘉義之東石與布袋定期採購牡蠣,分析其中之重金屬與農藥之含量。並在63年4月30日,牡蠣死亡期間,採得死亡之個體及殘存之活體,分別分析其重金屬與農藥之含量。實驗後,發現(1)汞、鉛、鎘、鎳、銅、鋅與砷在此等牡蠣之含量,整年中皆不為高。(2)整整一年中,牡蠣體中並不含aldrin,endrin,heptachlor,heptachlor epoxide等劇毒農藥,只含極微量之DDT,BHC及dieldrin。(3)在4、5月牡蠣「危險季節」中,重金屬與農藥之含量皆未見增加。(4)異常死亡之牡蠣與殘存個體之間,不論是重金屬或農藥,其濃度並無差別存在。由以上之實驗結果,所得之結論為:臺灣西南淺海岸養殖貝類之異常斃死,應與重金屬及農藥無直接關係存在。




The oysters and clams cultured along the southwest coast of Taiwan have suffered high mortalities each year in April-May since 1969. The loss was estimated to be NT$100 million annually. In order to determine the cause of these mass mortalities, the possible effects from heavy metals, pesticides, water qualities and other toxic substances were studied. This first paper deals with the relationship of heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides to the death of the shellfish. Oysters reared along the coast were sampled once a month from March 1973to March 1974 for heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides analyses. In April 1974, the ”danger season”, both dead and live oysters were sampled and analyzed. It was found that: (1) During the entire year, the mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel and arsenic contents in the oysters were all close to the ordinary levels. (2) No aldrin, endrin, heptachlorand heptachlor epoxide were detected in the oysters, and only small amounts of DDT, BHC and dieldr in were present. (3) The heavy metal or organochlorine pesticide contents in the oysters sampled in the ”danger season” were not higher than in other seasons. (4) Neither the heavy metal nor the organochlorine pesticide contents showed any difference between live and dead oysters. Based on this, it is concluded that the heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides have no direct effect on the large-scale death of the shellfish.


