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Status of the Propagation of the Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, in Taiwan



淡水長脚大蝦在東南亞原產地被積極發掘研究以來,由於其具有甚多作為養殖對象之優點,諸如雜食性、成長快,並可利用廣大淡水水域生產高級蛋白質,故其養殖甚受重視,然如臺灣之非其原產地的天然條件,無法自河口撈取足量蝦苗,故早日確立此蝦蝦苗之繁殖技術以期供應養殖業者乃極為重要之課題。 本文綜述本分所自1970年以來對此蝦蝦苗繁殖及大量生產之試驗經過並探討各有關之問題。1971年10月由一對已屆成熟之種蝦,利用簡易設施初次試行繁殖,育成152尾臺灣水產史上首批繁殖成功之此蝦蝦苗。此後一方面探討育成種蝦之方法,一方面研究繁殖蝦苗之技術。1972、1973年分別育成蝦苗1,700尾及11,976尾,初步確立此蝦人工繁殖技術。1974、1975年更朝大量繁殖精進,並作有關繁殖諸多生理、生態之試驗,繁殖方法因而有所進展,結果1974、1975年,分別生產110,580尾及181,645尾蝦苗,並提高活存率至88%。另外,在實際應用上將此蝦有關繁殖、養殖之可行性、施行技術、飼育條件、經濟價值等推介給予大眾,從而引發生產之興趣,經1975年全面推廣以來,民間繁殖場已能以數十萬尾單位生產蝦苗,相信此蝦之養殖,不久將步草蝦養殖之後成為另一極具發展潛力之新興水產事業。




The enterprise of marine prawn culture has taken great strides in its progress in recent years after a long course of study on the propagation and rearing, however, the culture of freshwater prawn is far behind that of marine prawn. The objectives of the present study were to develop mass propagation technique of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii as an additional aquaculture item since large acreage of suitable area of freshwater ponds, streams, and dams are available in Taiwan. In 1970, three hundred juveniles of the giant freshwater prawn from Thailand were introduced into Taiwan. Tungkang Marine Laboratory in southern Taiwan has ever since been studying the propagation of this prawn, aiming at yielding stockable juveniles. The results are significant. Techniques of propagation under laboratory condition and under hatchery condition have been established although there still are problems remaining unsolved. Mass commercial production of this prawn started in 1975. Since then, efforts have been made to help the establishment of more hatcheries and the extension of intensive culture for commercial production of this species in Taiwan. In 1975, a total of almost 1,000,000 juveniles was produced by the Laboratory and hatcheries. In 1976, 2,000,000 of juveniles was the yearly production at a moderate estimate resulting from mass propagation of local hatcheries. The prospect of intensive commercial production of this species in Taiwan is brilliant.




Hang, L. T. H. (2011). 布袋蓮萃取物對低溫緊迫的淡水長臂大蝦免疫能力之影響 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00230
