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Behavioral and Physiological Responses of White Spotted Snapper Juveniles, Lutjanus stellatus under the Stress of Temperature and Residual Chlorine



就行為表現,耐性及能量代謝相關之生理指標,探討不同水溫及殘氯環境對白星笛鯛稚魚的影響。水溫自25℃升高及28.6℃期間行為表現正常,30.9℃活動性呼吸運動加速,且在35.6℃時鰓蓋呼吸運動頻度及幅度加劇,快速游動及身體抖動出現在36.7℃,隨著掙扎,昏迷以至於死亡溫度在於39.3℃與39.7℃間 對殘氯之耐性因水溫之升高而明顯下降。26~36℃下96小時半致死濃度在於0.22斐1.06毫克/升之間。充足能量之供應是環境變動下生理調適所需之條件,白星笛鯛之耗費量與水溫成正相關,與水中溶氧量呈逆相關性,且在特定溶氧量下,耗氧量亦隨殘氯量之增加而下降,呈現因殘氯作用造成體內缺氧所促成之生理調節現象。至於促高血醣和促高乳酸之反應最高峰分別出現在急速刺激後第一及第三小時,且反應幅度之增加與水溫升高及殘氯量增加相關。總之,白星笛鯛在水溫及殘氯急遽刺激壓迫下,代謝率和能量代謝相關基質之改變,均與水溫有密切之關連性,且生理反應偏離對照組(25℃)的現象可在30℃情況下即可檢測到。


白星笛鯛 水溫 殘氯 生理反應 代謝率 行為


The effects of temperature and residual chlorine on white-spotted snapper juveniles, Lutjanus stellatus were investigated by stress responses in behavior, lethality, and physiological parameters, which included oxygen consumption, and glycemic and lacticemic responses. The behavioral performance of the snappers were found to be normal at temperatures of up to 28.6℃. Vigorous swimming performance and hyperventilation became evident at 30.9℃, and ventilation, including oral and opercular movements intensified at 35.6℃. Irritable and jiggling behaviors, and hurried and hasty movements were characteristic at 36.7℃, followed by struggling, heat coma, and death in the temperature range of 39.3 to 39.7℃. The series of behavioral performances suggests that temperatures up to 28.6℃ and 39℃ were considered to be optimal and sublethal temperatures, respectively, while a temperature of 39.3℃ was defined the lethal thermal limit of this species. Changes in the metabolic rate and the substrates of energy metabolism under acute shock of temperature and residual chlorine indicated that these physiological responses are all closely related to the experimented temperatures, and deviation of the responses from the control conditions was further demonstrated at 30℃ and higher. Similarily, the lethality of chlorine was positively correlated and predominantly determined by the temperature employed, and 50% lethal chlorine concentrations was further estimated in the range of 0.22~1.06 mg/l at temperatures of 26~36℃.
