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Residues of Nitrofuran and Corresponding Metabolites in Tilapia



硝基喃代是一種常見的抗菌劑,被廣泛使用於食品保存或做為食品添加劑。在此研究中,針對硝基喃包含furazolidone、furaltadone、nitrofurazone、與nitrofurantoin及其代謝物AOZ、AMOZ、SC、與AH在吳郭魚體中的分布與代謝,將吳郭魚以5 mg/L之硝基喃劑溶液藥浴1小時,魚體樣品均為三重覆,採樣組織包含肌肉、肝臟、腮與表皮,樣品收集時間為藥浴後1、2、4、8、16、24、與30天。樣品中硝基喃及其代謝物萃取自均質樣品中,代謝物之萃取需先以2-nitrobenzaldhyde衍生後形成2-nitrophenyl衍生物。硝基喃及其代謝物皆以液相層析串聯式質譜儀進行分析,結果顯示,硝基喃劑之殘留於藥浴後24小時低於檢測極限,代謝物於各組織中,於藥浴過後立即出現最高殘留濃度,表皮與肌肉中殘留代謝物之濃度降至5 μg/kg,分別為藥浴過後4天與8天。比較鍵結與未鍵結代謝物在表皮及肌肉組織中殘留情形,未鍵結之代謝物殘留濃度於1個月內皆維持在1-2μg/kg,鍵結之代謝物於藥浴後4天降至5 μg/kg以下。


Nitrofurans were the most common antimicrobial agents, widely-used as broad-spectrum synthetic antibacterial agents, as well as food preservatives and food additives. In this paper, we demonstrated for the first time the distribution and residence time of nitrofurans including furazolidone, furaltadone, nitrofurazone, and nitrofurantoin, and corresponding metabolites AOZ, AMOZ, SC, and AH in tilapia. Fish were bathed in 5 mg/l aqueous solutions of each nitrofuran for 1 h, and muscle, liver, gill, and skin samples were collected in triplicate during the experiments on days 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 30 after treatment, whereupon residual nitrofurans and metabolites were extracted from the homogenized tissues. Extracted metabolites were further treated with 2-nitrobenzaldhyde to the form of 2-nitrophenyl derivative. Both the residual nitrofurans and the residual derivatives of metabolites were analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS, and the results showed that residual nitrofurans had disappeared from muscle and skin tissue within a period of 24 h after treatment. The peak concentrations of metabolites were observed immediately after bathing; the concentration then dropped to lower than 5 μg/kg on the 4^(th) day post-treatment in skin and the 8^(th) day in muscle. Comparisons between the concentrations of non-bonded metabolites, which were consistent at around 1-2 μg/kg in both muscle and skin for 1 month after the end of medication, and those of bonded metabolites, which had dropped to less than 5 μg/kg after 4 days, were also made.


Nitrofuran Metabolite Pharmacokinetic Furazolidone
