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Seasonal Responses in Water Velocity and Water Depth Preferences of the Cyprinid Fishes "Acrossocheilus paradoxus" and "Varicorhinus barbatulus" in Choushui River of Taiwan



本研究於濁水溪流域設置93個調查樣站,使用長3.0 m、寬1.5 m的矩形電格採捕台灣石(魚賓)("Acrossocheilus paradoxus")與台灣鏟頷魚("Varicorhinus barbatulus")2種鯉科魚類,利用對象魚種在不同流速、水深電格的出現率,探討其在夏季豐水期與冬季枯水期對於棲地流速、水深喜好的季節性差異。調查結果顯示,台灣石(魚賓)喜歡流速較緩的潭區水域,對於棲地流速及水深的喜好並無季節性差異,出現率則隨流速變緩或水體深度增加而有顯著升高的現象。另台灣鏟頷魚夏季偏好較深的水域,冬季較適的水深約在40cm左右,此一水深相當於河川上游瀨尾銜接潭頭處的棲地水深。不論在夏季或冬季,台灣鏟頷魚的出現率皆隨著流速的增加而有降低的趨勢,相同的流速環境下冬季的出現率則明顯高於夏季。台灣石(魚賓)與台灣鏟頷魚對於棲地流速、水深喜好的季節性種間差異,主要是不同魚種對於棲地環境的季節性變換所採取的適應策略不同所致。


The cyprinid fishes "Acrossocheilus paradoxus" and "Varicorhinus barbatulus" in Choushui River, Taiwan were sampled with electro-fishing at 93 stations, each with 10 grids (1.5 m × 3.0 m). The occurrences were related with the water velocities and water depths, and compared between the summer monsoon season and winter dry season. Also, the seasonal responses were modeled with regression function equations with added interaction terms and a dummy variable for the seasons. For "A. paradoxus" the occurrence increased significantly with the decrease in water velocity but with the increase in water depth. No seasonal difference was observed. The fish preferred slow flowing pools than fast flowing riffles in both seasons. For "V. barbatulus" the occurrence decreased with the increase in water velocity in both seasons but it was higher in winter than in summer, suggesting the seasonal additive effect of water velocity on the fish occurrence. Also, "V. barbatulus" preferred deeper pool in summer, but in winter its optimal depth preference was at the depths of around 40 cm, corresponding to the upstream areas of pools receiving tail-water of upstream riffles. The seasonal differences in the water velocity and water depth preferences between the two species were considered to be the adaptation strategies of the species in response to seasonal changes in the environmental conditions.
