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Operation of the Political Commissar System and Party-Military Relations in the PRC




本文目的主要探討:在影響中共黨軍關係演變的眾多複雜因素之中,政工制度的運作,特別是總政治部所扮演的角色和政治思想教育的推動,發生多大作用?總結研析所見,主要有以下幾點: 1.中共政工制度的設置,目的在以之作爲黨控制軍隊的工具,達到“以黨領軍”的建軍目標,其所採用的主要途徑有二:一是政工系統人事上的安排,二是政治思想教育的推動。總政治部在其運作土扮演重要的角色。 2.就共軍內部的整合與團結而言,政工制度發揮相當大的功效;但就整個解放軍與黨中央的關係而言,黨的控制能力並不能自始至終地完全發揮。例如文革期間的總政治部,不僅黨中央指揮不了,且成爲派系鬥爭的焦點,以致被迫停止運作兩年三個月。 3.共軍經過長年的政治教化,在政治態度上,基本上傾向保守,此一傾向在政工系統內尤甚。爲了維護軍隊團體利益和所持軍人價值觀,使此一傾向導致其與黨中央時生衝突。例如對改革開放所帶來的道德敗壞和幹部腐化,係守軍人大爲不滿。 4.軍隊政治化與職業化的爭議一直難於平息,而表現在意識形態和決策上,左右搖擺不定,且影響到黨軍關係的演變。當強調軍隊政治化時,政工地位提昇,影響力增強;但如強調軍隊職業化時,政工地位下降,影響力減弱。前者如林彪任國防部長時期和“六四”事件以後;後者如彭德懷任國防部部長和鄧小平主政時期,黨軍關係的演變。


The operation of the Political Commissar System has been seen as one of the factors which determine the nature of the party-military relations in the PRC. The Political Commissar System complicates the decision process in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), as it intertwines the party organization with the military. How the Commissar System works since the time of Mao under these circumstances help explain the relations between the Party and the military. Conflict is inevitable in all organizations, but by intertwining the ideological orientation of party members with career orientations of the military, the possibilities of conflict are greatly increased. However, since members of the Commissar System in the PLA, both military party members and the General Political Department (GPD), tend to be co-opted by the military ethos, the real conflicts are not so much between the military and the political commissar, but rather between the military, including the political commissar organizations, and the Central Party. Furthermore, factionalism within the Central Party of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may lead to differences between the Central Party and the PLA and cut across groups in both the Party and the military. How the various groups and individuals interact in this organizational environment are examined here. Attention is paid to the political stand that the political commissars tend to take in cases of conflicts between party (civilian) and military elites. The discussion proceeds in accordance with the changing patterns of party-military relations, and indeed with the major political changes in the PRC. The intent is to identify the political roles the GPD plays in the PRC's party-military relations. Another question to answer is the extent of the activities of the Party, especially the GPD, that influence party-military relations. Traditionally the Party has attempted to maintain control over the military in two ways: one, by appointing politically reliable personnel to key posts throughout the political control system, and secondly, through political indoctrination of not only political officers but all military personnel in general. In the second section of this study, political indoctrination thought to influence change in party-military relations is discussed.
