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An Analysis of the Research, Development, and Preparedness of China's Psychological Warfare


隨著民主潮流與科技技術的進步,限制了運用戰爭來解決國際衝突,也促使各國尋求一種新的解決衝突的途徑,所以發展心理戰成為當代的趨勢。心理戰不但對戰爭的結局能產生重要的甚至決定性的影響,而且對維護國家安全和利益也具有重要作用。對於我國當前國際形勢嚴峻,中共對台灣進行和平統一的意圖從未停止,千方百計的遏制我國的發展。在這樣的時代背景下,研究中共心理戰對提高我國戰力和國防安全具有其特殊意義。 目前關於中共心理戰的研究很多,但是從戰備角度探悉中共新軍事變革時期高技術戰爭、信息化條件下心理戰發展的研究卻不多見。為了系統深入地探悉中共心理戰,本文嘗試從中共的心理戰專書、學術期刊及新聞報導勾畫出其心理戰的全貌。因此本文的內容涵蓋了中共心理戰的戰略、戰法和未來發展。 不論是西方軍事著作還是中國的兵書,都闡述了具有科學價值的心理戰的理論內容。目前世界各軍事大國通過戰爭實踐對心理戰界定都有其自身的觀點。中共對心理戰定義為:心理戰是以人的心理為目標,運用心理學的原理,通過宣傳等手段針對人的認知、意志和情感施加刺激和影響,使其朝向利於己方、不利於敵方的方向變化和發展,從而鞏固己方陣線,瓦解敵人,它是一種從心理上打垮敵人的特殊的作戰方式。 研究心理戰,不僅是研究心理戰本身,更在於認識它對我軍的重要意義。從現實情勢看來,建設強有力的心理戰場,是我國軍揚長避短、以劣勝優的有效途徑。因此,除了從國家安全戰略的高度來認識心理戰和反心理戰的問題之外,應加強對中共心理戰的研究和準備,才能迎接中共的挑戰,在未來的戰爭中贏得先機和主動,使我國立於不敗之地。


心理戰 戰備 戰略 戰法


Democracy and technological advances limits the usage of war in solving international conflicts, and every country is forced to seek a new way to settle the conflicts. Therefore, the psychological warfare has been a trend of modern times. Not only can psychological warfare exert a significant or even a decisive influence on the result of the war, but it also plays an important role in safeguarding a nation's security and interests. China has never stopped its conspiracy of peaceful evolution against Taiwan and has tried any possible way to hinder Taiwan' development. In such a situation, a research into China' psychological warfare against our country has its practical meaning. At present, there are lots of studies related to China's psychological warfare. However, the research which probes the preparedness of China's psychological warfare in modern high-tech fighting is rare. In order to systematically look into China's psychological warfare, this paper gives an overall introduction based on the books, journals, newspapers on China's psychological warfare. Therefore, this paper concerns the strategy, tactics and future development of China's psychological warfare. The theory of psychological warfare can be found in both western and Chinese military books. Currently every military power gives its own definition of psychological warfare according to its practical experience. China gives it such definition: psychological warfare is a unique fighting method with psychology of human beings as the final goal, psychological theory as the basis, and propaganda as a method, though irritation and impact are exerted on people's consciousness, willingness and emotion to make situations favorable to it. In this way, the battle field will be safeguarded and the enemy will be defeated. It is a method to defeat the enemy psychologically. The study of psychological warfare doesn't lie in itself but in its great contribution to our troops. From the practical situation, enhancing the psychological construction of the soldiers is an effective way to fully develop its merit and avoid its shortcomings. Therefore, besides thinking about psychological war and anti-psychological war in view of the national security, we have to enhance the study and preparation of it to meet the challenges from China and consequently to take the preemptive opportunity in the future wars.


