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The Analysis of Transforming Journalism and Communication Education To China's Military Academy-A Case Study on Nanjing Political College Department of Military Journalism and Communication


共軍南京政治學院軍事新聞傳播系,係1984年9月設立的;創設之初,為兩年制大專;經過1983年、2003年相繼進行新聞教育及軍隊院校教育系列的變革,如今已成為中共「培養全軍新聞宣傳和輿論戰專業人才的教學研究基地」。 適值中共強化輿論戰、心理戰之際,在「知己知彼」的前提下,頗值得深入探究中國大陸的軍事新聞傳播人力資源供給者-南京政治學院軍事新聞傳播系的教育狀況、問題與未來走向。 在本文中,將以文獻探討的方式,從宏觀層面首將梳理中共軍事院校新聞傳播教育的發展與問題;繼則分別從其內因與外緣來釐清中共軍事院校新聞傳播教育之所以變革的原因;最後探析其變革的作法。


變革 宣傳 新聞教育 軍事院校


China's Nanjing Political College, Which includes Department of Military Journalism and Communication, established in September 1984, was a two-year college. Since its journalism and military academy have been transformed from 1983 thru 2003, it is presently a three-year college and a teaching research base in cultivating professional people of journalism propaganda and public opinion warfare. China is strengthening its public opinion and Psychological warfare. It's worth deeply researching into its education situation and future direction to the provider of the human resources of China's military journalism communication, Department of Journalism and communication, Nanjing Political College. We adopt the method of literatures discussion from the viewpoint of macroscopic to analyze the development of journalism communication education and issues. Secondly, we discuss comprehensively the reasons of its transforming. Lastly, we analyze the methods of its transforming
