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An Ideational Factors Analysis of the Economic-Trade Liberalization Norms Mutually Constructed by Both Polities across Taiwan Strait: Perspectives from the Constructivism of International Relations Theory


當前國內政治學界對於兩岸發展經貿自由化的研究,多是從兩岸政治與經濟觀點,少有從國際關係理論建構主義觀點探討經貿自由化背後所蘊含的理念因素(ideational factors),例如規範、認同與文化,這些理念因素不同於強調政治經貿利益的物質因素,或許兩岸相互建構的經貿自由化規範本身並不是只考量經貿利益,而是更考量到這些理念因素,否則中國大陸的「讓利」或台灣內部的爭論也就無法解釋了。尤其是海峽兩岸已經加入「世界貿易組織」(World Trade Organization),在國際經貿自由化的規範下,兩岸必須接受其規範而認同成為國際社會的成員。因此,兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)即是在這些理念因素相互作用下形成。規範取向建構主義重視理念因素在形塑國家互動的作用,國際關係事務是相關國家相互建構而成。規範結構與理念結構對行為者的認同有影響,國家的社會認同是由國際社會的規範結構與理念結構所組成,而且這些結構是國家實務的產物。因此,建構主義重視認同、規範與文化在國際關係與國家互動的形成過程與作用,進而限制國家行為。本文嘗試從規範取向建構主義探討理念因素在此建構過程中的作用,是否真如建構主義所主張的,或是理念因素必然產生共同的規範、認同或文化。其間,身為行為主體的中國大陸與台灣如何受到這些理念因素的影響,進而發展出經貿合作的兩岸關係。


Most researches on the development of economic-trade liberalization in domestic communities of political science have been based on political-economic perspectives, based on constructivism to explore the ideational factors, such as norms, identity and culture, behind the liberalization that has been rarely seen. These ideational factors are different from the material factors which political-economic perspectives emphasized. The economic-trade liberalization norms mutually constructed by the both polities across Taiwan Strait have not only considered the economic-trade interests but also more considered these ideational factors, if not, how can we explain the Mainland China transferred benefits to Taiwan without considering its own interests, and how can we explain the related debates in Taiwan. Since both polities across Taiwan Strait have become the members of the World Trade Organization, under the international economic-trade norms, both polities should accept the norms and identified themselves as members of international society. Therefore, the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is formed under these ideational factors' inter-effects. Constructivism emphasized the ideational factors' effects in formation of the interactions among states; international affairs are mutually constructed by related states. The structures of norms and ideas have effects on actors' identities, the social identity of state is constituted by the structures of norms and ideas of international society, and these structures are results of state practices or international practices. Constructivism considered mostly the effects of identities, norms, and cultures on the process of formations of international relations and interactions among states, and on limiting states' behaviors. This paper is based on constructivism to explore these factors' effects on the process of constructing identity in both polities across Taiwan Strait.
