  • 學位論文

台灣貿易商海外佈局動機 與投資決策關係之研究 -以台灣十大重點拓銷市場為研究對象

Relationship between Motives of Configuration and Decision-making in Taiwanese Trading Companies -Empirical Study on Taiwan’s Focus Ten Export Countries

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


中文摘要 台灣是以出口導向為主的國家,貿易可說是台灣的生存命脈,亦為經濟成長的動力,由於台灣擁有優良的地理位置與貿易條件,加上台灣貿易商積極佈局全球市場,使台灣的商品及服務遍及全球各地,並為台灣創造經濟奇蹟。2008年全球金融海嘯,導致全球貿易衰退,並造成貿易商面臨極大挑戰。此外,在競爭全球化的微利時代,貿易商生存空間逐漸被壓縮,造成經營上日趨困難。因此,本研究主要探討貿易商選擇海外佈局的動機與貿易環境及風險之間的關係,以及從十大重點拓銷市場,探討其與佈局動機、貿易環境與風險之差異。 本研究主要以台灣十大重點拓銷市場為研究對象,包括:日本、韓國、印度、越南、印尼、俄羅斯、巴西、馬來西亞、土耳其和西班牙,並將其分為新興市場及重要市場兩種類型,其中對有前往上述國家進行貿易佈局之台北市進出口同業公會會員企業進行問卷施測。根據文獻探討及國際知名研究機構,本研究整理出,在貿易環境上主要包含貿易自由度與貿易便捷度兩大構面及各十五項指標,而在貿易風險上主要包含貿易難易度與貿易風險度兩大構面及各十五項指標,做為本研究衡量之依據。最後藉由統計分析方式探討台灣貿易商在佈局全球時的動機,與貿易投資決策之間的關係,再進一步以貿易自由度、貿易便捷度、貿易難易度及貿易風險度四構面來評估台灣十大重點拓銷市場整體貿易環境與風險。 本研究結論如下列四點說明: 1. 貿易商認為佈局動機不會影響其貿易地區之選擇,而主要考量為國家的貿易環境及貿易風險; 2. 貿易商在進行海外佈局時,佈局動機對於貿易地區之評價,除了「貿易商信用徵信資料可信」及「對於國外企業歧視待遇」的評價會造成影響外,其餘皆不影響; 3. 在貿易環境中貿易自由度與貿易便捷度之間具有相關性,而在貿易風險中貿易難易度與風險度之間皆具相關性,而在整體的貿易環境與貿易風險上其也具有相關性。由此可知,對於貿易商而言,各個貿易地區的貿易環境與貿易風險之間息息相關,影響貿易商對於貿易地區之評價; 4. 貿易商認為在貿易環境的評價上重要市場會較新興市場高,而在貿易風險評價上重要市場則會較新興市場低。


Abstract Taiwan’s economy is mainly depends on international trade export within the excellent geographic location and terms of trade. Furthermore, Taiwanese trading company positive arrangement in the configuration of the worldwide market which the product and service are known around the world. However, with global financial tsunami in 2008, international trade are decreased substantially and caused traders to face increasingly stressful financial challenges. Additionally, In the minor-profit generation caused by global competition, Taiwanese trading company face production advantages losing and low profit challenge. Consequently, this study will focus on the correlation between motives of configuration and trade environments. It is also a probe into the differences among motives of these configurations, how the trade environments affect them and what the trade risks are in Taiwan’s focused ten export countries. Taiwan’s focus ten export countries, such as Japan, Korea, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Malaysia, Turkey and Spain are taken as research case. This research utilized questionnaires to those members of Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, which set up configuration in these countries. With literature review and international institutions, there are four dimensions: trade liberalization, trade facilitation, trade difficulty and trade risk, and then into fifteen indexes. Furthermore, Statistics is adopted to analyze the correlation between the motivation of configuration and decision-making in Taiwanese trading companies, and doing more evaluation to Taiwan’s focus ten export countries’ entire trade environment and risks by trade liberalization, trade facilitation, trade difficulty and trade risk. This research shows as follows: 1. The motivations of configuration don’t effect the select of trade area by traders. The main considerations are the contry’s trade environment and the trade risks. 2. When traders set up the oversea configuation, except the assessments of “the degree of credit verificaiton information“and “the treatment of foreign enterprises would effect the valuation of trade areas, the rest would not. 3. In trade environment, there is corelation between trade liberalization and trade facilitation; In trade risk, there is corelation between trade difficulty and trade risk. Also, in trade environment and trade risk, each dimension is related. Therefore, to traders, the trade environment and trade risk of each trade area would affect the evaluation of each trade areas. 4. Traders reckon in the evaluation of the trade environment, dominant markets are higher than emerging markets. And in the evaluation of trade risk, dominant markets are lower than emerging markets.


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