  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

From Users to Labors: The Transformation of Online Writers in Chinese Online Fiction Market



With the rise of Web2.0 internet economy, the user-generated content platforms have attracted user communities to join the production of online content. When entering the commercialization stage, UGC platforms have become increasingly focused on capital accumulation through generating revenue. The result was that user communities have been incorporated into the production of content platforms in the form of informal labor. However, researchers have found the exploitation of informal labor in internet economy. Using the history and literature review and in-depth interview, this study examined the transformation of online fiction writers in field of Chinese online fiction market. The study found that Qidian has established a system whereby large numbers of informal, freelance writers are recruited as outsourced authors. Qidian employs factory style, high-speed, streamlined models of production and commercialization, scaling and standardizing its product creation. Most writers in this system still carry heavy workloads with little or no remuneration and also lack control over their labor process and its outcomes.


隨著Web 2.0 的網路社群興起,各種使用者生產平台快速吸引網民參與內容生產,但是當網路平台進入商業化經營之後,使用者社群大量也被平台收編成為非正式勞動力來源。相關研究已指出,雖然網路平台十分仰賴使用者社群的非正式勞動,但對於非正式勞動者提供的福利與權益保障卻相對不足。本文認為,這種情況也發生在中國大陸的網路小說社群網站。透過歷史與文獻分析法以及深度訪談法,本文發現,中國大陸的網路小說平台利用按字付費的分潤模式,將大批網路小說社群成員,轉變成一支講求生產效能的創作大軍,然而平台對兼職創作的多數寫手僅提供最低程度的權益保障,造成底層寫手人雖然龐大,但創作壓力高且收入普遍很低,甚至其創作內容的所有權及其利用方式也受到平台限制。
