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A Social Movement in the Era of Digital Communication:Information Mixing Truth and Rumor, Authoritative Response Dissociation, Government Trust



The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics of social movements in the context of new communication technology triggering a pivotal reform of the military legal system. To figure out what provokes online users to become 300,000 active protesters in just 28 days, this research explores a structural relationship (N = 604) between information mixing truth and rumor, authoritative response dissociation, government trust, and social movement participation. The findings reveal that information mixing truth and rumor plays a more effective and devastating role than do authoritative response dissociation and government trust for social movement participation. Authoritative response dissociation performs an important and significant mediating role between information mixing truth and rumor and social movement participation. Further, respondents who once served in the military have significantly higher weight on the path from government trust to social movement participation than those who did not, indicating the personal experience plays a leading moderating character.


本研究目的在檢視新傳播科技環境下的社會運動。藉由理論導出動能結構關係模型,探討洪仲丘案能在短短28 天驅使網友走上街頭,造成軍法制度變革之原因。透過社會調查法的604 份有效問卷,分析結果指出,混雜真實與謠言的資訊,對社會運動有顯著的直接影響,其影響力大於有關當局回應的落差,以及對政府的信任。有關當局回應的落差,在混雜真實與謠言的資訊,與社會運動參與之間的關係上,扮演顯著的中介變項角色。研究更進一步發現,服過兵役者要比未服過兵役者,在政府信任到社會運動參與的路徑上有更高的權重,顯示個人服役體驗扮演著重要的調解變項角色。
