  • 期刊


Development of Continuous Cast H13 Hot-die Steel






H13 tool steels have been manufactured almost exclusively from ingot-cast material because of poor continuous-castability. The main benefits of continuous casting over ingot casting are higher productivity and quality product. Great efforts have been made among special steel producers using continuous casting. Dragon Steel Co. produced H13 via a curved-mould continuous caster with a radius of 12.5m, and 4 strands in sizes of 200*480mm. The steel was melted in a 150t EAF from scrap and de-phosphorus hot metal. The molten steel was tapped into a ladle after the removal of slag and the LF process was extended to a proper melting of other alloys and desulphurization process. By the help of on-site rapid EDX analysis of steelmaking slag, sulphur content dropped to 0.001 wt% within 1hr. Then the molten steel was transferred to vacuum station with Ar injected. The degassing exercise helped the removal of nitrogen and hydrogen and enhanced the separation of non-metallic inclusions. At the casting station, numerically calculated cooling profile of bloom during continuous casting and elastic stresses and experimentally determined thermo-mechanical data of the H13 were used to determine a suitable secondary cooling strategy. A soft cooling pattern was used to maintain a surface temperature above 850℃ at straightening unit to avoid surface cracking. Compared to that with ingot-casting, continuous casting H13 had a 20% higher yield and profitability.


H13 tool steel Continuous casting Soft cooling SKD61
