  • 期刊


Development of Flange Hub Near Net Shape Forging Process Using Microalloyed Steels



鍛造業在整個工業製造體系中屬於二次金屬加工的中間產業,因為鍛造具有獨特鍛流線的緻密組織,故常為重要的保安部品的主要製造程序,主要應用於運輸工具,產業機械及鋼鐵電力等基礎工業內需強度的金屬零組件。但無疑的,鍛產業為一高耗能的產業,日本亦將之歸3K1Y 的產(危險,骯髒,苛酷及低廉的產業),因此除極需提升製程的技術外,能源的消耗上亦需仔細考量。本文主要的目的是介紹金屬中心應用精密無毛邊鍛造技開發汽車用中孔型鍛件,並搭配非調質鋼行鍛後急冷處作業的省能源鍛造製程開發,並就非調質鋼鍛造製程中的重要參數,如完鍛度及鍛後急冷速度等作一探討;同時並就日本在非調質鋼鍛造製程的應用上作一分析,期望國內相關鍛造業者能對非調質鋼省能源鍛造製程有較完整的了解。


Traditional forgings of motorcycle and automobile are manufactured by hot forging process with flash, additional machining such as drilling and turning is often necessary. Usually, quality of forgings is not so uniform, the material yield is about 60-85%, and energy consumption and machining constitute a significant part of the total production cost. In this paper, we first introduce the example of hot precision closed die forging process by using Micro alloyed steel and small batch of mass production are also undertaken at 1600 ton hot forging press at MIRDC forging shop. The results indicate that the material yield can be raised up to 92-95%, energy consumption can be saved up to 20% and machining cost can be reduced up to 20%. The average hardness can be reached HRc 24 or above with fan cooling following hot forging process. Therefore, no heat treatment is required. According to those figures above, we conclude that the closed die forging process in the aspects of material yield, energy consumption and machining cost is lower and quality of forgings is better compared with traditional hot forging counterpart. In conclusion, we briefly introduce some aspects regarding Micro alloyed steel and related market potentials in Taiwan.
