  • 期刊


Development of Molten BOF Slag Dry Granulation Techniques




熔渣 造粒 轉爐渣 操作技術 高溫 熱回收


In this study, a self-established rotary granulation device was used to construct the operation techniques that can produce high-temperature slag particles as a heat source for the subsequent development of slag heat recovery technology. In the research, a paraffin cold mold experiment was used to select a suitable formula for predicting the particle size, and a molten-slag hot mold experiment was performed to confirm the wall material that would not cause the molten slag particles to stick, and then a granulation system was produced. The slag granules produced through multiple granulation experiments are used to modify the parameters of the particle size prediction formula, so that the revised formula has a prediction ability within 10% error, which can be used as a design basis for subsequent system scaling-up or as a guide for selecting operating parameters. The results of the slag granulation experiment conducted by the granulation system show that the rotary granulation can smoothly produce high-temperature slag granules with an average slag temperature of 800 ° C or higher. The output slag temperature is predicted to be above 900 degrees from its bright orange appearance. 40% of the slag heat can be exchanged through cold air within 10 minutes. Based on the results of this research, the scale can be further enlarged to confirm problems that may be encountered in industrial applications.


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