  • 期刊


Effect of the Different Beds on Straw-Mushroom Culture in Taiwan


1.本試驗採用四種不同堆置方式之培養床,卽平鋪式,折半式,圓筒式及直筒式等。求知對草菇生育之影響。 2.四種培養床之出菇日期及初期床溫均正常;但依稻草之腐爛致不能出菇之程度觀之,四種培養床中以折半式最快,平鋪式次之,而以二種筒式之稻草腐爛最慢。筒式之稻草係直立堆置,排水優良腐爛最慢,故産菇期亦較長。但易乾燥,尤以靠近外圍之稻草爲甚,故除應行之澆水外,每天應再加一次噴霧式之澆水,以保持濕度。折半式及平鋪式培養床內部易積水,應減少澆水以免稻草腐爛過速床溫降低而影響産量。 3.圓筒式之培養床産量最高,平鋪式及直筒式培養床次之,以折半式培養床産量最低。收穫末期以折半式培養床溫最低,平鋪式次之,二種筒式培養床之床溫仍保持正常濕度,尤以圓筒培養床之採收期最長,故圓筒式培養床似對草菇之生産有利。




1. This study on the purpose of evolution on the effect of different bed on straw mushroom culture was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Taiwan Provincial Chung Using University in 1966. 2. Four kinds of beds namely; flat type, fold type, round type and straight type, were used in a random block arrangement with four blocks and sixteen plots. 3. Harvest time and bed temperature were normal with all four types of bed during growth. But the bottom temperature of flat and fold types were too low to the growth. The most decayed rice straw was found in the flat type and fold type by the accumulation of water in the bed. Reducing of water amount in use is important in avoiding straw's deterioration. 4. As the result of the analysis of variance the difference in the yield among the four treatments were significant at the 5% level. According to the record the highest yield was obtained from the bed of round type, followed in order by flat type, straight type and fold type. Further study, for improvement of bedding for straw mushroom culture after this experiment should be continued.


