  • 期刊


Effect of Corm Maturity, Storage Temperature and Duration on Flowering and Carbohydrate Content of Pleione formosana


臺灣一葉蘭種植於海拔2100m中部山區,於9月底至12月下旬,球莖內之澱粉含量持續累積,花芽增大,乾物重急增,5gm以上具開花能力之中大球,開花率及品質隨球莖熟度之增加而增加,採收適期在大部分葉老化脫落後。採收後球莖以2~5℃冷藏8~10週較以0℃, 10℃或室溫(23℃)貯藏者開花品質好。球莖中之澱粉及花芽內之酒精可溶性糖,不論貯溫,自採收到萌芽開花均持續下降。球莖可冷藏31週仍具開花能力,但其所生成子球小,花芽分化不良,故母球不宜長期冷藏後種植。


The effect of harvest date, storage temperature and duration on sprouting, flowering qualities and carbohydrate content were studied in Pleione formosana. Plants grown in highland about 2100m altitude were harvested from late September through late December at 3 week intervals. The optimum harvest time was found in mid to late November when the most of leaves were senescent. After harvest, the corms stored at 2~5℃ for 8~10 weeks had the best flowering qualities compared with those stored at 0℃, 10℃ or 23℃. The starch content in corms and dry matter content in flower-bud increased rapidly from September through December. However, the starch in corms and alcohol soluble sugar in bud decreased during storage and f lowering time. The corms stored at 0℃ for 31 weeks also had high percentage of flowering, but decrease flower size and qualities. The daughter corms formed from long-term storage mother corms became smaller and flower-bud differentiated incompletely.


