  • 期刊


Seasonal Changes of Carbohydrates Content in Mango (Mangifera indica L.)


檬果枝條及葉片中的碳水化合物含有量因開花、結果及新梢的生長而降低,因生長停止而提高。一般而言在萌芽抽出花序前,碳水化合物含量最高。枝條在果實採收前含量最低,而葉片則在花序抽出後含量最低。花序在開花時,碳水化合物含量高,著果後即降低;果實則隨其發育而逐漸提高。 枝條中的碳水化合物在果實開始肥大到停止生長前期以乙醇可溶性醣爲主,停止生長後澱粉的含量即大量提高,直到萌芽時才大量分解,但在著果前仍以澱粉的形態爲主。葉片中主要以乙醇可溶性醣爲主,但在冬季,澱粉的含量會略爲提高。 果實中於生長初期可溶性醣爲主,中期以澱粉爲主,成熟時則轉成可溶性醣爲主。花序及果梗中以乙醇可溶性醣爲主。 檬果花序抽出、開花到果實肥大初期,使用的碳水化合物大部分來自樹體中儲藏的,因此樹體中儲藏碳水化合的量決定翌年的產量與品質。


檬果 碳水化合物 季節性


Ethanol extractable sugars increased in mango stems when the growth stopped in late autumn while starch accumulated subsequently. Therefore, carbohydrate content in mango stems cumulated during this inactive period. Bofore flower panicle emerged in early spring, the mango tree deposited a maximum amount of carbohydrate which starch woo its predominate form. Upon. flower panicle emerged, the inflorescence, flowering and young fruit were growing rapidly, in this period, the deposited carbohydrate accumulated during the inactive period were exhausted, when fruit matured in the midsummer, it deposited its carbohydrate in minimum amount while after harvest, the carbohydrate content increased gradually, and the predominate form was soluble sugars. In the leaves carbohydrate content was also higher in inactive period than growing season, but the predominate form was ethanol extractable sugars all the year round. In the fruits, at its small size stage, most of the carbohydrate content was sugars, upon half-size stage starch dominated the component, and at pre-harvest stage, most of the starch was decomposted to soluble sugars form. The carbohydrate in inflorescence (fruit stalk) wan chiefly soluble sugars. Carbohydrate utilized for reproductive, development by the related organs were in its storage form which was deposited during inactive period. Therefore the amount of carbohydrate accumulation in the plant body was to determine the productivity in the coming year.


mango carbohydrates seasonal change


