  • 期刊


Effects of Glomus Spp. Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth and Flowering of French Marigold and African Marigold


兩不同品種的萬壽菊(陽光,Sunshine;和橙扣,Clinton)及蘇菲亞皇后(Queen Sophia)品種的孔雀草接種繡球屬囊叢枝菌根菌以後均能促進其後期的生殖生長,例如:提高花的鮮乾重,花數及花徑大小,且可提早開花,其中兩不同品種的萬壽菊(陽光和橙扣)均以接種Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd,能顯著促進其生殖生長,且有較早開花的現象,其中陽光之品種甚至可較對照組早22天開花。 蘇菲亞皇后(Queen Sophia)品種的孔雀草於初期的營養生長以接種Glomus mosseae(Nic. & Gerd.)Gerd. & Trappe或Glomus etunicatum等兩種菌種表現較佳,且接種Glomus mosseae或Glomus etunicatum等菌種的菌根植株可提早7-8天開花。


Reproductive growth of Glomus sp. infected mycorrhizal French marigold and African marigold were highly enhanced. For example, mycorrhizal plants increased in flower number, diameter and dry weight, also flower earlier than non mycorrhizal control. Mycorrhizal Clinton marigold could flowered 22 days earlier than the control. Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd. was most effective for enhancing the growth, development and early flowering of African marigold (Tagetes erecta cv. Sunshine & Tagetes erecta cv. Clinton) than non mycorrhizal control. Glomus etunicatum and Glomus mosseae (Nic. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe were meat effective for enhancing the growth and early flowering (7-8 days earlier) of French marigold (Tagetes patulas cv. Queen Sophia) than non mycorrhizal control.
