  • 期刊


Factors Affecting Enterprises' Attitudes on Mobile Commerce and Their Economic Implications




With the effectiveness of mobile commerce on raising production efficiency for enterprises, this study focuses on the factors affecting their attitudes on adopting mobile commerce. In addition to utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), our model still incorporates two other factors, compatibility and perceived risk, and analyzes them using the structural equation modeling technique. Our empirical results show that: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and compatibility all have positive effects on attitude; perceived risk has a negative effect on attitude; and perceived usefulness has a positive effect on intention to use. On the other hand, these results reveal three economic implications: (1) Service providers can reduce enterprises' perceived risk by applying the principles of experience economy; (2) Service providers can use the concept of freemium to expand their user bases by providing basic applications at first and then charge for advanced functions to obtain revenues; and (3) Service providers can provide professional consulting services for enterprises to evaluate their compatibilities of information systems when adopting mobile commerce.


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