  • 期刊


The Ticket Price Decision of Cultural Heritage : The Evaluation of Willingness to Pay for Tourists


「打狗英國領事館官邸」是高雄市市定古蹟,在2007 年臺灣開放大陸遊客觀光後,過度擁擠的遊客引起破壞文化資產價值的危機,高雄市政府從2012 年7 月開始收取門票以降低入園人數。本研究利用條件評估法及雙界二元probit 模型進行分析,並考慮Hsiaoand Sun (1998) 的單邊反應模型,修正受訪者填卷偏誤,希望了解門票價格及經營品質對遊客付費的影響。研究發現經營品質改善後增加票價意願的偏誤為65%,現況下大陸遊客對園區各項服務滿意度均高於臺灣遊客。大陸遊客不論在現況或提升經營品質後,增加票價付費意願與願付價格均高於臺灣遊客。由於大陸遊客付費意願相對臺灣遊客較高,因此在參觀品質提升的前提下提高門票價格不會排擠大陸遊客,又可增加臺灣遊客參訪的意願,而品質的提升則以加強歷史學習功能最為重要。另外淡、旺季差別訂價方式可達控制人數的目的。


The former British consulate residence at Takao is an important cultural heritage site in Kaohsiung City. After tourism in Taiwan opened to Chinese tourists in 2007, overcrowding at this site became a serious problem. To reduce the number of tourists, the Kaohsiung City government started to sell tickets in July 2012. This study evaluates the influence of the entry ticket price and the management quality on the willingness of tourists to pay for the ticket to visit the site. We use the contingent valuation method (CVM) and the probit model to investigate the willingness to pay (WTP) of tourists to visit after the ticket prices increase. We also applied Hsiao and Sun (1998) to investigate the bias of market survey data.The results show that the bias of WIP for improvement heritage approxinmate 65%.The descriptive statistics results show that the satisfaction levels of Chinese tourists with the current services at the former British consulate residence are higher than those of Taiwanese tourists. The regression model results show that Chinese tourists are more willing to pay a higher price for the entry tickets, and that the average of the WTP is also higher than that of Taiwanese tourists in the current situation, as well as those with a high management quality. Therefore, raising the ticket price under high-quality management conditions will not deter Chinese tourists. Taiwanese tourists also have a greater willingness to visit the site. Therefore, enhancing the historical educational functions is a good management policy. Price discrimination in peak and low seasons can efficiently control the number of visitors.


