  • 期刊


Efficiency of Taiwanese Banking: An Application of a Two-stage Network System with Shared Inputs and Undesirable Outputs


本文延伸Fukuyama and Weber (2010)與Chen et al. (2010)模型理念,額外加入非意欲產出之考量,建立可以內生化線性求解之兩階段共用要素網絡模型,分析2004至2013年間本國銀行業之生產效率。相較於傳統之一階段DEA模型,本研究模型具備可同時處理不同生產活動間之要素共用與中間產出/投入問題的優點,還可更務實與完整的角度來衡量國內銀行業之生產效率,以提供更豐富的效率評估資訊供決策者參考。實證結果發現:樣本期間銀行整體之平均效率為0.896,代表樣本銀行平均有10.4%之效率改進空間;而其中,第一階段之平均效率為0.821,第二階段為0.958,說明銀行普遍於第二階段有較佳的生產效率。因此,銀行生產效率於第一生產階段之改善,是相較第二生產階段來的重要。至於金融海嘯與歐債危機,對我國樣本銀行的影響並不顯著。然而,就不同類型銀行的比較,顯示出泛官股的效率明顯高於民營銀行;金控子銀行效率皆顯著高於獨立銀行,顯示金控子銀行應已發揮綜效。最後,在規模方面,隨銀行規模的增加,兩階段的效率皆會逐漸提高,證實國內銀行業規模太小、市場太過零散,故銀行整併擴大經營規模,應是未來持續努力的目標。但數位金融的興起,銀行交易E化程度的加深,已使增設分行所帶來的效益已不如以往,說明未來銀行發展金融科技的重要性。


Following the spirit of Fukuyama and Weber (2010) and Chen et al. (2010), this paper proposes a linear two-stage network system model with shared inputs and undesirable outputs, to analyze the technical efficiencies of Taiwanese banking industry over the period 2004-2013. As compared to the conventional DEA approach, the extended model is able to deal with the problem of shared inputs and intermediates among activities which characterize bank production in an integrated framework simultaneously, and allow us to examine aspects of production in a more comprehensive and factual manner. The results show that the average system technical efficiency score over the sample period is 0.896, suggesting that there is a 10.4% room for FCUs to improve their efficiency. The decomposition indicates that the average efficiency in phase 1 is 0.821 and that of phase 2 is 0.958, signifying that the efforts to improve inputs utilization efficiency in phase 1 are more important than efforts to improve loan and investment creation and problem loan control efficiencies in phase 2. It is also found that the 2008 financial crisis and the European Debt Crisis did not have significantly impacts on the performances of domestic banks. The comparisons of the performances of different groups of banks demonstrate that the banks with mixed private-public-ownership perform better than the private banks, and the financial holding banks are superior to independent banks, which suggest that joining financial holding companies would create potential synergies and helps to enhance banks' competitiveness. In addition, production scale is a positive influential factor for banks' performance, which indicates that more effort is needed to increase the scale of Taiwanese banking to make progress.


李文福與范雅鈞,2010,「台灣銀行業經營績效分析:Luenberger 生產力指標法之應用」,經濟論文叢刊,38:593-627
