  • 期刊


Evaluation of Agri-Environmental Basic Payment Policy




The main purpose of this research is to analyze the policy benefits of the agri-environment basic payment and discuss whether can achieve the policy objectives that farmland used for farming and promoting agricultural multifunctional benefits. The results of the study indicate that, on the whole, in the first crop of 2020, the agri-environment basic payment cost about NTD 940 million, the fallow land restored about 2,466 ha. Regarding the restoration of fallow land, the direct benefits are about NTD 730 million to NTD 770 million, and the overall benefit (direct benefit plus indirect benefit) is about NTD 1.03 billion to NTD 1.06 billion. Since the people generally believe that the ecological value of fallow farmland is higher than that of farmland operated by conventional farming methods. Therefore, unless fallow farmland is restored using sustainable methods, the ecological benefits of fallow farmland restoration are limited or even net losses. The agri-environment basic payment may be helpful for that farmland used for farming, but it may not be beneficial to the ecological benefit. Therefore, the government should clarify the role of the agri-environment basic payment in the direct payment policy. If the government wants to promote ecological benefits through the agri-environment basic payment, it should further reform related supporting measures and implementation methods.


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