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Revisit the Domestic Innovation Effect of Outward FDI in Taiwan: Quantity or Quality?



This study investigates how outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) influence innovation activity and efficiency in Taiwan. On the basis of a firm-level panel dataset of publicly listed electronics firms for the period 2002-2018, various estimations reveal that OFDI overall has a positive influence on research and development (R&D) expenditure and patent numbers. However, this R&D effect may be adverse across destinations and time periods. Before the late 2000s, the pro-R&D effect existed for OFDI to developing countries only, particularly China, but this R&D effect became negative after the late 2000s. The patent effect of OFDI is also found, particularly the technology sourcing through OFDI to advanced countries. Regarding high-novelty patents measured by inventions, we find that the OFDI in both developing and developed economies indicates a positive relationship with invention grants at home. Further, OFDI also facilitates multinational enterprises' promotion of R&D productivity in patents and high-novelty inventions in particular.


Export FDI R&D Patent




出口 對外直接投資 研究與發展 專利


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