  • 期刊


Development of an Autonomous Vehicle for Agricultural Applications


本自動行走車車體使用鋁合金製作,以減輕重量。車子前端左、右側各有一個驅動輸,分別由一個500W之直流伺服馬達所帶動,車子後端則裝置有兩個惰輸。電力由兩個12V,56AH之蓄電池供應。電子羅盤和伺服馬達之編碼器用以導引自走車,而超音波感測器用來偵測障礙物,以防止碰撞。 自走車組裝完成後,先進行超音波感測器校正,車速與行走距離校正及迴轉半徑校正,然後進行定點導航試驗。導航試驗又分為無障礙物與有障礙物兩種。因為安裝之超音波感測器數量不足,盲點區域較大,車子有時會撞到障礙物。定點導航試驗之最大誤差為77cm,最小誤差則為0.7cm。


This autonomous vehic1e was fabricated with aluminum alloy to decrease the weight of the body. Two driving wheels were installed at both sides of the front end of the vehicle, whi1e two rest wheels were located at the rear end These two driving wheels were powered by a 500W, DC servo motor, respectively; and two 12V, 56 AH batteries were used as the power source. The electronic compass and encoders of the servo motors were employed to guide the vehicle and the ultrasonic sensors were used to detect obstacles for collision prevention. After the vehic1e had been assembled, the ultrasonic sensors, the velocity of the vehicle, the traveling distance, and the turning radius were calibrated first, then the guidance tests for given destinations were conducted. These guidance tests had two kinds, one with obstacles on the path, another one without obstacles. Since the ultrasonic sensors installed were not adequate, the blind area was too big, sometimes the vehic1e would hit the obstacles. For the guidance tests, the maximum error was 77cm, while the minimum error was 0.7cm.

