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  • OpenAccess


Study on Linear Movement of an Automatic Vehicle in Agriculture




超音波 自動導引


There are many operations in agriculture, which need develop to be automatic. Especially, the development of automation for chemical application is desperately required by the operators. Although in industry there exist many sensing and controlling units and technologies, which can be applied in an unmanned automatic equipment. The system to utility an ultrasonic sensor to sense and recognize the environment to become automatic has the best potential to use in agriculture. This study is to use an ultrasonic sensor to determine the distance between an automatic vehicle and plants. The travelling controlled unit is developed based on the actual field practice. The vehicle is controlled to travel in the middle of two rows of plant, and does not collide with the plants in the whole operation. A single chip micro-processor 8051 is adopted to form the central control unit in this study. A linear position transformer is linked to the front wheel shaft in order that the transformer can turn and show the direction of the vehicle in real. The chip 8051 samples data every 225s. The control system analyzes the data and requests the vehicle to make necessary direction adjustment in real time. From experimental results, the travelling tracks of automatic vehicle are mainly influenced by designed tolerances. The change of diameter of plant does not influence the deviation of tracks significantly. As the designed tolerance is smaller, the deviation of tracks is smaller.


Ultrasonic Autonomous Guiding
