  • 期刊


The Application of an Electric Resistance Type of Soil Moisture Sensor in Irrigation Control


本研究主要目的係針對台灣農作物栽培環境,以自行研發高分子塑膠發泡體材質之電阻式土壤水分計來量測土壤水分張力之含水量,應用在作物灌溉控制,進行有效的水分管理,營造出農作物生長的最佳環境。試驗所選用土壤爲國立中興大學蕙蓀林場之森林A層「壤土」使用本研究研發之電阻式土壤水分計,於土壤水分張力0.1~1 bar範圍內,分別以10種不同的土壤水分張力進行量測。實驗結果顯示,電阻式土壤水分計輸出電壓的穩定性甚佳,輸出電壓有很高的一致性,所量得的電壓值具代表性且區隔明顯。電阻式土壤水分計輸出電壓值與土壤水分張力具良好「線性」闕係,在三重複實驗所建立的個別迴歸方程式重現性良好,量測的電壓值無顯著差異,所研製之電阻式土壤水分計如能配合微電腦控制裝置,將能有效地進行農作物自動化灌溉控制。


The objective of this research study is to develop an electric resistance type of soil moisture sensor that is suitable for the irrigation of the agriculture in Taiwan. The sensor is consisted of high porous polymer. It can be used to measure the moisture of the soil, which is related to the water potential. The collected data of the sensor can be applied on the efficiency control of the irrigation to establish an optimum growth environment for crops. The layer ”A” soil used in this study is provided by Fui-Shen Forest Park of National Chung-Shin University. The developed sensor is tested at 10 different level in the water potential range from 0.1 to 1 bar. The experimental results showed the output voltages of the sensor to be very stable and steady, and to have very obvious different output voltages for different water potentials. The sensor is proved to function well in the tested range of water potential. With three replicates, the readings and developed regression equations are very coincident. The closely linear relationship exists between the water potential and output voltage reading of the sensor. The developed electric resistance type of soil moisture sensor can be used with a control unit to manage the automatic irrigation much effectively in agriculture.


