  • 期刊


A Study of the Lifestyles and Consumer Decision-making on Herbal Tea of the Office Workers in Tainan City


本研究旨在探討台南市上班族之生活型態與花草茶消費者決策行為之關係,以問卷調查方式在台南市六個行政區中進行施測,共取得有效問卷393份。研究結果發現,台南市上班族之生活型態因子包含「流行時尚」、「藝術品味」、「精打細算」、「自然簡樸」、「都會娛樂」、「戶外休閒」等六項因素,藉由受試者之因素得點(factor score),可將台南市上班族區隔為「自然休閒」、「流行活躍」、「價格敏感」三個集群,各集群在性別、婚姻狀況、年齡、職業、個人平均月收入上有顯著的差異。根據分析結果顯示,生活型態集群與受試者之花草茶購買經驗及消費者決策行為有不同程度的相依關係。在購買經驗上,「自然休閒」群曾經購買花草茶的比例顯著高於其他集群,該群之消費者偏好至「花草茶專賣店」購買「乾燥未調理式」的產品,喜愛「原味」的花草茶,對於產品之「製造商標示」較其他組群重視,屬於「高頻率」的飲用者;而「流行活躍」群則偏好於「一般商店」中購買「調味」的花草茶,在「香味」、「口感」及「保健功效」的重視度及滿意度上與「價格敏感」群有顯著差異;至於「價格敏感」群的購買經驗則顯著低於其他組群,喜好「沖泡已調理式」的產品,飲用頻率上傾向「不一定」,屬於「低金額」的消費者,根據研究結果提供業者擬定行銷策略之建議。


The objective of this study is to examine the relation between the lifestyles and consumer decision-making on herbal tea of the office workers in Tainan City. A survey was conducted in 6 districts of the city, and a total of 393 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this study indicate the lifestyle factors of the office workers in Tainan include ”fashion”, ”artistic taste”, ”careful budgeting”, ”naturalism and simplicity”, ”metropolitan entertainment” and ”outdoor leisure”. Based on the factor scores of the subjects, the office workers in Tainan are classified into three groups: ”nature and leisure oriented”, ”fashionable and lively” and ”sensitive to price”. The three groups show various differences in their sex, marital status, age, occupation, and average monthly income. The results of this study suggest the subjects' lifestyles are correlated with their experience in purchasing herbal tea and consumer-decision making styles. In terms of their purchasing experience, the ”natural and leisure oriented” group has purchased herbal tea at a significantly higher rate than the other two groups. The people in this group prefer to buy dry and unprepared products from herbal tea stores and like the original flavor. They emphasize on the manufacturer's label more than their counterparts in the other groups, and are frequent drinkers. The ”fashionable and lively” group prefers to buy flavored herbal tea from general merchandise stores. Their emphasis and satisfaction toward scent, taste and prophylactic efficacy are significantly different from the ”sensitive to price” group, which has significantly less experience in purchasing herbal tea products. They prefer instant tea and are consumers who spend less money on herbal tea products and have uncertain drinking frequencies.The above findings provide valuable marketing suggestions for herbal tea business owners.


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