  • 學位論文

飲茶習慣與茶品消費之研究 –比較在台外籍人士與本國人之差異

Tea-drinking habit and tea products consumption – The difference between foreigners and natives in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳瀅世


本研究主要是想了解台灣地區茶品消費者之飲茶習慣及茶品消費行為,研究對象為在台外籍人士及本國人,並比較在台外籍人士與本國人之差異。以敘述性統計分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、t 檢定及路徑分析,探討茶品消費行為之差異。結果如下: 在外籍人士部分:經常飲茶種類最多的前三名為綠茶、奶茶及紅茶。「罐裝茶葉」及「茶包」的購買地點以超級市場為最多,「飲料茶」的購買地點以便利商店為最多,包裝則以塑膠瓶為最多。在台外籍人士在「飲茶習慣」涉入程度無論多寡,皆不會影響消費飲用者對茶品資訊之獲取慾望。 在本國人部分:經常飲茶種類最多的前三名為綠茶、烏龍茶及加味茶。「罐裝茶葉」的購買地點以茶莊、茶行及茶農為最多,「茶包」的購買地點以量販店、大賣場為最多,「飲料茶」的購買地點和外籍人士一樣皆以便利商店為最多。「飲茶習慣」涉入較深者,對茶品資訊有較高之獲取慾望,對「資訊使用」也就有相當高之影響力,會透過不同管道來獲得茶品資訊,增加自己在茶品方面的知識。 無論是外籍人士或是本國人,購買茶品時皆以自己的經驗及親朋好友的意見為選購的主要影響因素。在三種茶品消費群,「購買動機」對偶爾飲用者有較高之影響。在三種茶品消費群,「購買動機」皆會影響「資訊使用」,「飲茶習慣」對「評估購買」也皆有相當高之正面影響力,「顧客忠誠」對「評估購買」也是皆有影響力。


The objective of this study is to realize the tea-drinking habit and tea product consumption in Taiwan. Object of study have been divided two groups, consumers who are foreigners and natives living people in Taiwan. Compare to difference between foreigners and natives in Taiwan. We are used following statistics methods for test like Descriptive Statistics, Chi-Square test, one-way ANOVA, t test and path analysis. The research results show as: In foreigners: They are usually drink green tea, milk tea and black tea. Supermarket is the most to purchase place of canned tradition tea and tea bag. Convenience store is the most to purchase beverage tea. The tea-drinking habit will not affect the information used for foreigner. In natives: They are usually drink green tea, oolong tea and flavored tea. Tea store (tea grower) is the most to purchase place of canned tradition tea. Shopping mall is the most to purchase tea bag. Convenience store is the most to purchase place of beverage tea. The tea-drinking habit will affect the information used for natives. No matter foreigners or natives who based on their own experience and the suggestions of family and friends as the main influence factor while buying tea product. In three tea product consumer groups, the motivation of purchase will affect the information used, tea-drinking habit will affect the purchase of evaluation, the loyalty of customer will affect the purchase of evaluation.


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a. For periodicals


