  • 期刊


Preliminary Analysis of the Ecosystem Services of Farmland Landscapes




The public is aware of the ecosystem services of farmland, however, current farmland policies are inadequate for effectively governing ecosystem services. Due to the abstract concept of "ecosystem services," it is difficult to directly realize their benefits and value. For this reason, current farmland policies in Taiwan remain focused on farmland protection for the purpose of food security and lack the vision that the spatial configuration of farmlands can yield other benefits of ecosystem services. Different composition and configuration of landscape characteristics can have varying effects on the delivery of ecosystem services. In this study, we aimed at examining how farmland landscape metrics can be used to evaluate the spatial configuration of various ecosystem services from the viewpoint of landscape ecology. We also examined the spatial characteristics of landscapes to analyze the correlation between physical environments and farmland ecosystem services. Our findings revealed that area metrics and shape metrics of farmland landscape can be used to measure the provisioning services, while spatial configuration metrics can be used to measure regulating services and cultural services of farmland. In addition, we compared peri-urban and rural farmlands to emphasize that farmland landscape characteristics differ according to the location because local residents have different demands for ecosystem services. Planning the configuration of farmlands based on landscape metrics can enhance the benefits from farmland ecosystem services and serve as a reference for establishing practical management guidelines for implementing farmland policies.
