  • 期刊


Distribution and Activity Pattern of Crab-eating Mongoose (Herpestes urva) in Huisun Forest Recreation Area


森林遊樂區在進行經營管理前,應先調查野生動物及其相關資料,以減少人類對動物之干擾。食蟹獴(Herpestes urva)目前為二級保育類動物,大多活動於中低海拔森林之溪流附近,為溪流之指標物種之一。本研究以紅外線自動照相機調查惠蓀森林遊樂區內食蟹獴之分布與活動模式,分析自2018年5月至8月11臺相機之照片,總調查時數為34,728小時,總有效照片為80張,其中於湯公碑林道與關刀山林道交叉口之食蟹獴出現頻(occurrence index)最高(8.11),除了山茶巷、青蛙石步道及收費站附近無出現紀錄,出現頻度最低的樣點為巨松台(1.01)。食蟹獴活動的時間為早上4:00至晚上20:00,其中活動高峰為清晨5:00到6:00和傍晚18:00到19:00,為日行性且晨昏為主要活動時間之動物。食蟹獴5至8月皆有單獨個體活動,7至8月出現兩隻個體活動,6至8月有三隻同時活動之情形。本研究顯示食蟹獴廣泛分布於惠蓀森林遊樂區中,其活動時間與遊客活動高度重疊,對食蟹獴而言人為干擾較高,建議日後園區進一步了解遊客等人為干擾對食蟹獴活動的影響。


Before managing a forest recreation area, it is necessary to investigate the distribution of wildlife and the habitat in order to reduce human disturbance. Crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva) is currently listed as a rare and valuable species in Taiwan. The species mostly lives near streams in middle and low-altitude forests, and is one of the indicator species of stream conditions. This study used infrared automatic cameras to investigate the distribution and the activity patterns of crab-eating mongooses in Huisun Forest Recreation Area. From May to August in 2018, we analyzed data of 11 cameras in the recreation area. The total working hours of cameras were 34,728 hours. We recorded 80 independent photos of the mongoose. We did not detect the mongoose at Camellia Lane, Frog Rock Trail and the toll both. The occurrence index of the mongoose was highest at the intersection of Tang Monument Trail and Guandao Mountain Forest Road, and was lowest at Giant Pine Deck. The activity pattern shows that crab-eating mongoose were usually active from 4:00 to 20:00 with activation peaks at 5:00 to 6:00 and 18:00-19:00. The result confirms that the mongoose was a diurnal species which is active mainly at twilight times. Sociality of crab-eating mongooses shows solitary activities throughout investigation periods. Group of two to three individuals were observed from June to August. This research shows that crab-eating mongoose is widely distributed in Huisun Forest Recreation Area, and its active time is highly overlap with tourists. Further research on effects of tourism on activity of the crab-eating mongoose may be needed.
