  • 期刊


A Study on Agricultural Trainers' Professional Competencies Using Importance-Performance Analysis Based on the Case of Farmers' Academy


臺灣農業經營技術能力質優享譽全球,近來農業技術專家在配合產業人才培育政策下,紛紛投入農業人力培訓,擔綱農業訓練講師,扮演專業技能傳授者角色,因此,在原有農業技術能力之外具備講師職能有其必要。本研究運用人資訓練講師專業職能要素發展七大職能構面與37項職能評估指標的結構式調查問卷,輔以重要性-表現值分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis[IPA]),進行農民學院講師的職能分析,以107位現職農業訓練講師觀點,針對其自覺的講師專業職能重要性與實際現況差異加以探討。研究結果發現農民學院講師職能缺口主要落於表達指導、課程規劃和資訊技巧等三大構面,顯示未來農業講師培訓資源投入可優先考量的方向,冀有助於農民學院講師專業發展規劃提升精進,期能提供農業技術專家適性化講師職能發展方案,終致裨益農業人力發展及整體產業競爭力提升目的之達成。


Taiwan's agribusiness and agricultural technical capabilities are considered as excellent quality and reputation around the world. To help enhance the sustainable development of agricultural industry, recently agricultural technology experts have devoted themselves in agricultural manpower training and talent cultivation by playing the role of agricultural trainers. Therefore, it is necessary for those experts to have trainer's professional competencies in addition to their original technical-related abilities. The main research purpose of this study aims to examine agricultural trainers' professional competences taking advantage of Importance-Performance Analysis [IPA] method based on a structured questionnaire survey of the case of Farmers' Academy in Taiwan. The survey instrument is developed upon a thorough literature review of the professional trainer's competences in varied human resource fields to include seven competence constructs in which 37 competence items consist respectively. The research results are analyzed using the data collected from 107 agricultural lecturers taking part in professional training held by Farmers' Academy. The study results reveal that the trainer's competence gap of the lecturers at Farmers' Academy mainly fell into three constructs of "instructional presentation and guidance," "curriculum planning" and "information technology literacies." The future investment of resources in training the lecturers to become a more competent agricultural trainers can be prioritized by taking into account the research findings of this study. When agricultural technology experts or technical specialists are prepared with more professional trainer's competencies, it would ultimately benefit the human resource development of agricultural industry in all aspects and further contribute to the improvement of Taiwan's overall agricultural competitiveness.
