  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Small Angle X-ray Scattering at Siam Photon Laboratory


A Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) beamline has been constructed at the Siam Photon Laboratory (SPL) of the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI). The SAXS beamline is dedicated for nano structural characterization of materials. The synchrotron light originated from a bending magnet is monochromatized using a Double Multilayer Monochromater (DMM) to provide x-ray in the energy range of 6-9 keV. A toroidal mirror is used to focus x-ray to the sample position. The experimental station is equipped with a CCD detector, in which the sample-detector distance can be extended to up to 4 m. The beamline has been commissioned and opened for users in March 2011. The commissioning result of the beamline, including SAXS measurement of nano particles, is presented.


