  • 期刊


Study on the Feasibility of FSC Forest Management Standards for Taiwan National Forest Management


台灣林業雖然採用永續經營理念,若能再以國際森林管理認證的原則與準則為標竿,則更能落實此理念。國際性的森林管理認證原則與準則雖然完備,但應用在台灣本土上仍有些原則需要再加以釐清。因此本研究的目的以專家訪談方式,針對森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council; FSC)發展10個原則及準則再深入探討,以瞭解這些原則下之準則,應用於台灣本土的森林管理的適用性。調查結果顯示,FSC10個原則之「原則1:遵守法律及FSC的原則」、「原則2:所有權、使用權及責任」及「原則4:社區關係與勞工的權利」內的準則,受訪者表示符合目前台灣森林經管理方式。「原則6:環境衝擊」、「原則7:經營管理計畫」、「原則8:監測與評估」、「原則9:高保育價值森林的維護」、「原則10:人工林」內的準則,受訪者普遍認為是重要且值得重視的。而台灣的森林經營管理方式,可視這些準則為標竿,期待未來的台灣森林管理,對於這些準則可以加強並落實。另外「原則3:原住民的權利」內的準則,受訪者均表贊同與尊重,由於現行森林法規與原住民基本法的相關法規多有衝突,仍需時間協議。此外「原則5:森林效益」內有些準則目前不符合台灣目前經營管理現況,如準則5.1在考慮到全面的環境、社會和生產的作業成本,並確保維持森林生態生產力的必要投資之時,森林經營管理應力爭實現經濟可行性,以及5.2森林經營管理及行銷作業,應鼓勵森林的多樣性產品最適利用和就地加工。


Although the Taiwan forest management has started implementing the sustainable forest management concept, the implementation can be stronger if it incorporates the FSC forest management standard. The fully developed and applicable principles and criteria of FSC certification standards should be modified and adapted to current Taiwan forest management. The objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of FSC forest management standards as applied by Taiwan Forest Management. As results, the Taiwan forest management had achieved the criteria of Principle# 1: ”Compliance with laws and FSC Principles”, Principle # 2: ”Tenure and use rights and responsibilities”, and Principle # 4: ”Community relations and worker's rights”. For those criteria in Principle # 6: ”Environmental impact”, Principle # 7: ”Management plan”, Principle # 8: ”Monitoring and assessment”, and Principle # 10: ”Plantations”, they were found to be important and worth valuing but not fully applied yet. In Principle # 3: ”Indigenous peoples' rights”, the respondents stated that the principle and criteria should be achieved as long as the conflicts between current Forest Law and Indigenous People Basic Law were settled. Some criteria in Principle # 5: ”Benefits from the forest”, such as 5.1: ”Forest management should strive toward economic viability, while taking into account the full environmental, social, and operational costs of production, and ensuring the investments necessary to maintain the ecological productivity of the forest”, and 5.2: ”Forest management and marketing operations should encourage the optimal use and local processing of the forest's diversity of products” should be modified and adapted to unique characteristics in Taiwan.
