  • 期刊


Constructing the Knowledge Structure of Work Items for Community Ecotourism-A Case of Ecotourism in Sheding Community




Community ecotourism has been a new trend of tourism. It emphasizes little impact on local ecology and economic creation. However, community members need to operate complicate work operations on ecotourism through mass training and lots of preparations. That becomes main barriers to develop ecotourism. This study illustrates the knowledge structure of community ecotourism using a case study of Sheding community. Main work items are first filter by observing the community meeting records for the first two years. Then knowledge structures of main work items are draw to show the relationships among sub-work items. Results show that there are six items of ecotourism in the Sheding case, which are organization structure, tour planning, promotion, environment conservation, empowerment, and performance evaluation. The issue that has been discussed most is organization structure. It shows that the first step of success is to enforce a strong organization so as to do following works. The second order is the issue of ecotourism planning. It contains lots of discussions so as to build a well plan of ecotourism. Furthermore, the study discusses the role of professional consulting team on the development of community ecotourism. It shows that the professional consulting team plays an important role for community to develop ecotourism. The professional consulting team is the bridge between the national park and community, and can lead the right way for developing ecotourism.


張耕濃(2013)。生態旅遊區遊客休閒倫理素養之調查 -以大鵬灣國家風景區及墾丁社頂自然公園遊客為例〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00206
