  • 學位論文


The Study of Partnerships between National Park and the local Community — a case study of ecotourism in Shir-Ding

指導教授 : 盧道杰


夥伴關係是建構參與式經營管理的核心基礎,而在地社區的參與和實踐,卻是其關鍵的課題。本研究以社頂部落為個案,描述與分析墾丁國家公園管理處藉由生態旅遊與該部落建構夥伴關係的歷程與內容,並討論夥伴關係對於社區和墾丁國家公園經營管理層面的影響。 將社頂生態旅遊的發展歷程分為:衝突、起步、輔導培力、發展與自主經營五個階段,本研究發現透過正面互動與回饋所建立的信任與社會資本是夥伴關係運作的核心基礎;社區能力的建立培養居民解說、監測與組織經營管理的能力,為部落帶來資源、人力與社區產業的可持續性發展;墾管處則是從中學習與社區互動和合作的能力,並擴展生態旅遊網絡,企圖進一步改善墾管處與其他社區的關係。社頂部落透過生態旅遊參與國家公園的遊憩經營管理層面,墾管處也將生態旅遊的資源使用權力分享給部落。 社頂的個案顯示,透過生態旅遊營造之夥伴關係可以提升社區參與經營管理的程度,雖然目前社頂部落參與之面向以在地小尺度的遊憩議題為主,社區監測的資料也少能直接回饋到國家公園經營管理。


Partnership is the core base of participatory protected area management which pays attention to the way for local communities’ participation and implementation. Taking the Shir-Ding community as a study case, this study aims to explore the partnerships between the Kenting National Park and Shir-Ding community, to analyze its developing process and influential factors, and to discuss those impacts on the community and national park management. The results showed that it could be divided into five stages: confliction, starting, empowerment, development and self-sustained, for the developing process of the partnerships. This study found that trust and social capital built by positive interaction and feedback were the core of partnerships. The National Park Administrations empowered local people ability of interpretation, monitoring and organizing, which promoted community industry and the sustainability of local natural resources, and strengthened human capital. The Administration Office of Kenting National Park (AOKNP) have learned to interact and cooperate with the local community. It then built and expanded the ecotourism networks to try to promote interactions between AOKNP and the communities. This case demonstrated that the partnerships built by ecotourism could promote community participation in national park management. However, the local were only involved in recreational activitie, which contributed few to national park management for data of community moitoring.


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