  • 期刊


The Accessment of Potential Carbon Trade Mechanisms for the Plain Area Program in Taiwan




Climate change and global warming are worldwide critical issues, the United Nations has approved Kyoto Protocol that sets binding obligations on industrialised countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). As Kyoto Protocol passed, more and more developed countries have set mandatorily or voluntarily regulations binding the emissions of GHG as well. Forest carbon sink, with multiple benefits to socioeconomic environments, is considered as one of the most effective ways to achieve the goal of GHG reduction worldwide. The Plain Area Program was quite successful with governmental support in Taiwan, if the carbon sink from the program could be financially tradable and that would be a new opportunity for forest land management to solve some often seen problems such as finance shortage, low planting intention and improper land usage. On this study, the SWOT analysis of Plain Area Program projects participating carbon treading mechanism is based on domestic market of carbon trade system and market trends in Taiwan. The afforestation policies and the result of the Plain Area Program are strengths and opportunities. On the other hand, the complicated and costly afforestation projects and the barely prepared relevant tools of carbon exchanges are weaknesses and threats. And there may have two strategies for the Plain Area Program projects getting involved into domestic carbon trade system, the first one is to participate national carbon offset mechanism, which was adopted by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The other way is imitating regional initiatives like Japan and the U.S., local governments can launch a regional carbon trade alignment.
