  • 期刊


Risk-alert Index Analysis for Suspicious Illegal Wood Products Imported in Taiwan


減少非法伐採林木議題在國際上正方興未艾的被討論,台灣有99%以上的木材是仰賴國外進口,其中也存在著進口非法伐採木質產品的風險。本研究應用全球176個國家,2005-2012年之人類發展指標(Human Development Indicator, HDI)、政府效能(Government Effectiveness, GE)、法律規範(Rule of Law, RL)以及貪腐感知指數(Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI)之數值,使用熵權重法所得結果,以百分位數界定出低、中低、中高、高等四個可疑非法伐採風險層級,並依實際進口國家及數量,分析台灣進口木質產品的可疑非法伐採風險警示層級。結果顯示,在六項木質產品中,以進口木炭(Wood charcoal)之可疑非法伐採風險為最高,被標示在中高風險層級,其次是木材殘餘物(其他木片)(Wood residues)、木質板(Wood-based panels)、原木(Roundwood)、木片及粒片(Wood chips and particles)被標示在中低風險層級,而進口可疑非法伐採風險最低者為製材(Sawnwood),被標示在低風險層級。


Taiwan timber demand is imported mainly from foreign countries by 99%. Of those imports, some are identified as suspicious illegal Wood Products (WP). However any measurements or any alerts for suspicious illegal WP have not yet been established. Therefore, this study focused on the measurement of suspicious ratio of illegal WP imported to Taiwan and provided the alerts index for government policy decision makers. Applying the Human Development Indicator (HDI), Government Effectiveness (GE), Rule of Law (RL), and Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as measuring factors by introducing entropy method to measure the proportion of suspicious illegal WP imported from 176 countries in a time period of 2005 to 2012 to Taiwan. We found the highest risk of suspicious illegal imported WP was the "Wood charcoal", which fell on the mid-high risk area, followed by after the "Wood residues", the "Wood-based panels", the "Roundwood", the "Wood chips and particles" and the "Sawnwood" sequentially. The lowest risk of suspicious illegal imported WP was the "Sawnwood".


Illegal logging Wood products Entropy method
