  • 期刊


An Application of Economies of Density and Scale to Facility Agriculture-A Case Study of the Phalaenopsis Industry in Taiwan


台灣加入WTO之後,政府積極思考農業國際化。蝴蝶蘭被喻為台灣近年來最具市場實力與潛力的花卉產品。因為蝴蝶蘭是農產品中,單位面積產值和附加價值最高的產品,且不論在歐美或日本均處於市場擴張階段。但根據行政院國家型科技計畫花卉和觀賞植物組的統計估計,台灣在全球蝴蝶蘭市場上,掌握五成以上的蝴蝶蘭種源,四成的核心生產技術,惟在全球蝴蝶蘭的產值上,台灣卻僅相對的占5.8%。 由於蘭花產業為設施農業,在生產環境及硬體設施上投資相當大,其固定成本造價高昂。故是否有效利用投入資產是本研究針對的重點。在實際分析廠商是否具有規模效率時,若使用傳統成本函數模型進行分析,可能造成估計錯誤。除傳統的資本、勞動力及能源價格等因素外,本研究希望能找出其他具有密度特性之特徵變數,透過研究先前學者文獻後,探討密度經濟對成本的影響。 本文使用文獻中已被認同的超越對數成本模型,並加入特徵成本函數進行研究,進一步衡量蝴蝶蘭產業之密度經濟與規模經濟。最後探討蝴蝶蘭場之最適坪效,以提供蘭花產業及相關設施農業經營管理之參考。


After Taiwan joined the WTO, the government has viewed agriculture internationalization in a positive light. The different varieties of Phalaenopsis are the most popular and potentially successful flora products on the market because they are the products with the highest production per unit area, and are added-value, not to mention the fact that markets for these products in Europe and Japan are pxeanding. According to the statistics of the planed flower and potted plan group of the National Science Council, although Taiwan holds more than 50% of the seed origin of butterfly orchids in the global market, and 40% of core production technique, it collects only 5.8% of the global Phalaenopsis output value. Because the orchid industry is facility agriculture, investment in the production environment and hardware installations is significantly high. Therefore, this research emphasizes whether or not the assets invested are applied effectively. When practically analyzing whether or not factories have scale efficiency, we might misestimate if the traditional cost function model is used. Besides traditional factors such as capital, labor and energy price, this research tries to determine other attribute variables with density, and discusses the effect economies of density puts on cost. This paper applies the translog cost function, adds hedonic variable to cost function, and measures the economies of density and scale of the Phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan. Furthermore, it aims at minimizing cost, and discusses the most suitable scale and level of pod/unit effect to provide the orchid industry and relevant facility agriculture a reference for operation and management.


徐睿晨(2011)。台灣蝴蝶蘭產業在行銷國際市場時遭遇之困境: 以病毒、雙梗、溫室為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10055
