  • 學位論文

台灣蝴蝶蘭產業在行銷國際市場時遭遇之困境: 以病毒、雙梗、溫室為例

The International Marketing Difficulties of Taiwan's Phalaenopsis Orchid Industry: the Empirical Analysis of the Virus, Two Stems and Greenhouse

指導教授 : 羅竹平


摘要 在全球化貿易的推動下,台灣農業開始走向國際行銷,蝴蝶蘭產業亦在產、官、學界長期耕耘下行銷遍布國際,更在整體花卉產業出口中表現獨占鰲頭,連續兩年(2009年至2010年)占我國花卉出口比重超過一半以上。國際論及台灣花卉必然想起台灣蝴蝶蘭。但近年來蘭花王國的地位備受衝擊,根據我們深度訪談發現可以歸咎為品質,更準確來說蝴蝶蘭植株有病毒率高、雙梗率低的問題。 分析台灣蝴蝶蘭出口成長率及出口額,並與世界主要市場消費市場對照,結果發現出口比重分布與世界主要市場消費市場分布不成比例,且各年成長率對應到個別市場亦呈現劇烈波動。世界蝴蝶蘭主要消費地區第一名為歐洲,但我國蝴蝶蘭出口最大地區或國家並非歐洲而是美國。以2008年數據來看,台灣蝴蝶蘭在歐洲市場產業價值鏈中所佔的比率不超過2.1%。台灣出口狀況不論是歐洲或美洲市場皆呈現劇烈波動的狀況,但事實上美國與歐洲銷售數據卻較為穩定,顯示台灣蝴蝶蘭產業正處於快速成長階段,顯示出台灣業者對國際市場行銷尚不成熟以及品質控管有待改善,容易受到非末端市場銷售因素影響其出口。此外,在開放帶介質輸美政策三年後,美國隨即超越日本成為我國蝴蝶蘭最大出口國,由此可見在政策的保護下,使我國蝴蝶蘭產業經營方向跟著轉向,但荷蘭業者近幾年針對此保護政策制定突圍策略,欲意搶占美國市場與台灣業者競爭,未來台灣蝴蝶蘭業者在美國市場的經營將更為險峻。而在溫室相關貸款與管理上,也仰賴政府放寬規定給予相應的支持,以面對國際競爭。 為有效解決病毒率、雙梗率、溫室等問題,除仰賴政府支持修訂發法規外,業界不能單單只是見招拆招,或是一味的強調農業技術提升,更需建立較全面的標準化作業程序(Standard operating procedure,SOP)與管理機制藉此幫助產業競爭力全面的提升。


Abstract Driven by the popularization of global trade, Taiwan's agriculture industry has begun focusing on international marketing, especially Taiwan's Phalaenopsis (also known as butterfly orchid) industry. With the long-term development in the industrial, governmental, and academic sectors, Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry has secured a significant share in Taiwan's floral industry. During the period 2009-2010, the shipment of butterfly orchids shouldered over 50% of Taiwan's total flower exports. Butterfly orchids, therefore, have become the representative of Taiwan's floral industry in the global arena. However, Taiwan's leading position in the orchid industry has been challenged recently and based on our in-depth observation that it is mainly due to quality control issue. More precisely, there are several serious issues found in flowering butterfly orchids such as relatively high virus infection rate and relatively low double spiking ratio. Looking at the export growth rate and export volume of Taiwan's butterfly orchids, in comparison to the demand in the major global markets for butterfly orchids, it is found that Taiwan's export volume by geographical distribution is not positively correlated with the global major markets of butterfly orchids. Europe is the largest shipment destination of orchid suppliers worldwide but the United States is the major shipment destination of Taiwanese orchid suppliers. In 2008, Taiwanese butterfly orchids' share of the total European floral market volume reached less than 2.1%. The export volume of Taiwan's butterfly orchids to either the European or the United States markets has been rather fluctuating but the sales of butterfly orchids in the United States and Europe are relatively stable, indicating that Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry is currently at the fast growing phase and that Taiwan's orchid suppliers still have room for improvement in terms of international marketing and quality control. It is found that Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry is prone to other negative factors instead of the strength of end-market demand. In addition, three years after the United States lifted the ban on the import of orchid medium to the country, Taiwan's butterfly orchid shipment for the United States has begun to outperform shipment for Japan. This demonstrates that the changes in the government policy are capable of diverting the business direction of Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry. However, Netherland's butterfly orchid suppliers recently have tried hard to break into the US market to compete with Taiwanese suppliers in order to grab a bigger share of the market. In the future, it is anticipated that Taiwan's butterfly orchid suppliers will face more critical situations in developing the US market. Furthermore, regarding the bank loads and financial management associated with the green house effect, Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry will have to rely heavily on Taiwan's government to provide relevant support, helping them to compete head-to-head with its international peers. In order to effectively resolve the issues associated butterfly orchids such as high virus infection rate, low double spiking rate, and the green house effect, other than relying on Taiwan's government to revise corresponding policies and regulations, Taiwan's butterfly orchid industry should not stand still but should establish more comprehensive SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and management mechanism to help the industry fully boost the competitiveness, in lieu of focusing on the improvement of agriculture technology alone.


Phalaenopsis Orchid Industry Virus SOP Gree House


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