  • 期刊


Establishment of a Web-based Expert System for Diagnosing Canine Ophthalmologic Diseases


目前台灣將專家系統運用在醫療診斷上的研究,大多以醫學為主,在獸醫學方面較少。有鑑於此,本研究針對犬的眼睛疾病,由獸醫專家協助建立資料庫,以建立犬眼疾病線上診斷專家系統,提供獸醫師在臨床診斷方面準確且有效的協助。系統架構主要是使用網路介面,即資料透過網路來傳輸的伺服器端運作程式,使用者只要透過瀏覽器填入網址即可進行系統的操作。在程式設計方面,主要採用角色存取控管(Role-Based Access Control),將使用者分為系統管理員、獸醫師、一般使用者等角色,根據不同角色之功能需求給予不同的操作權限,以達到系統控管之目的。主要操作步驟如下,使用者首先要選取出現的症狀,系統會依據所選取的症狀,先經過規則式知識庫篩選,再透過加權計算後產生結果,告知使用者患犬得到哪些疾病的可能性較大。本研究與臺大獸醫系合作,主要針對犬的眼科疾病建立診斷專家系統。隨著寬頻網路的普及化,線上診斷專家系統可以讓身處不同地區的眾多使用者,同時使用這套系統,將所有的知識庫都集中在伺服器,不僅方便維護管理,更有助於這套系統的延伸與推廣。


In Taiwan, studies on expert systems for medical diagnoses are mostly on human diseases, with very few on animal diseases. In view of this, it is desired to develop a veterinary diagnosis expert system that will provide accurate and reliable assistance in clinical diagnosis of canine ophthalmologic diseases. Veterinary experts from the Department of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University have helped establish the animal disease database for this study. The system developed is a web-based system that can receive remote data input from end users. Users can simply operate the program through the Internet browsers. The proposed system is designed with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) involving three roles, namely administrator, veterinarian and normal user. According to their needs, these roles have different powers in operating the developed system. The main operation workflow is as follows. First, users have to input the symptoms appearing on the pet. According to these inputs, the system will search from the rule-based database and provide a diagnosis using the weighting method. The expert system will then notify users of possible diseases the pet might be infected with and recommend a clinical diagnosis. This study is conduced in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University. The main purpose is to develop a web-based expert system for diagnosing canine ophthalmologic diseases online. Via the wide access of broadband network, users around the world can operate this system at the same time.


