  • 期刊


Production and Marketing Management Information System of Pig Farms


本系統之研發目的在提供豬場管理肉豬銷售的資料,讓豬場經營者藉由肉豬行銷的交易市場、豬隻屠宰及屠肉販售等記錄,瞭解肉豬行銷至屠肉販售之過程,進而掌握肉豬之最適交易市場與屠宰後肉品之最佳販售場所。本系統使用微軟VB.NET 2005程式語言結合Microsoft Office Access資料庫撰寫而成。本系統區分為代碼設定、資料維護與報表、統計分析等三大部分;其中之資料維護包括豬隻運輸、肉品市場、豬隻屠宰、屠體分切、肉品倉儲與販售等。豬場經營者可利用不同期間的資料進行統計分析,即時反映市場銷售資訊,以獲得最適的肉豬交易場所與最佳的銷售收入。


資訊系統 產銷


This system was constructed to offer pig farms the opportunity to manage the data coming from hog marketing. Through the records of the trade market and the slaughter and sale of pork, the manager of the pig farm could therefore better understand the procedures of hog marketing and the sale of pork. This system was developed by Microsoft VB.NET 2005 programming language connected with Microsoft Office Access databases. The system was divided into three parts in terms of code set up, data maintenance with report and statistical analysis. The items of data maintenance are concerned with pig transportation, the hog market, slaughter, carcass cutting, storage and sales. The manager of the pig farm could thus utilize data at different periods to perform statistical analysis to reflect immediate selling information from market and obtain the optimal trade market and sale income.

