  • 期刊


An Application of Quality Function Deployment and Kano's Model to Explore the Service Quality of Grouper Farmers


兩岸簽署經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA),加上國內曾檢驗出養殖的石斑魚有藥物殘留事件,使得國內石斑魚生產業者必須重新思考,如何提升石斑魚產業之競爭力以面對未來的競爭。本研究以SERVQUL量表為基礎,建構石斑魚生產業者服務品質特性之量表;運用Kano二維模式與品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment ; QFD)結合運用,歸納顧客對品質要素之潛在需求並以矩陣表轉換品質資訊,提供石斑魚生產業者作為研擬服務品質管理策略的依據,更有效的管理服務品質。


Governments on both sides of the strait have signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Grouper farmers must think how to improve the competition within the industry in the future. This research takes the SERVQUAL scale quality model as the foundation, and combines Kano's Two-dimension model and the QFD model to establish the Management Service quantity and maintenance Company measurement structure of grouper farmers. Through literature review and a questionnaire, this research shows [the mode of SERVQUAL scale quality sieving toward customer demand service, and categorizing with the mode of Kano model affects of the customer satisfaction with Quality characteristics, then deployment and integrated in HOQ model of the logic turns.???] - I do not understand the previous sentence.] Finally, management services and a maintenance company should be provided to HOQ farmers as a service quality control strategy to increase the efficiency of management service quality. -Is the previous sentence correct?


