  • 期刊


The Effect of Shading and Girdling on Flowering and the C/N Ratio of Wax Apple (Syzygium Samarangense Merr. et Perry) after Heavy Pruning


本試驗為探討蓮霧(Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry)遮光和環刻處理對於樹體碳氮含量之變化,以瞭解蓮霧開花與碳、氮及碳氮比(C/N ratio)之關係。蓮霧於採收後,利用重度修剪(理光頭模式)之後再利用遮光和環刻處理進行催花,並調查生育期間枝條與葉片的碳水化合物、氮素和碳(非結構性碳水化合物)氮比(TNC/N ratio)以及最終的開花數等。遮光處理期間葉片與枝條總可溶性糖含量先呈下降趨勢,之後轉為微幅波動。葉片澱粉含量則隨季節逐漸降低,而枝條則呈現增加的趨勢。未遮光處理之葉片總可溶性糖含量是隨季節逐漸增加,澱粉含量變化則趨於平緩。枝條與葉片的氮素含量變化,遮光處理初期葉片與枝條的含氮量明顯增加,而後則呈現下降的趨勢,未遮光處理的含氮量則呈現下降的趨勢,遮光處理的枝條與葉片含氮量均高於未遮光處理。遮光處理使蓮霧葉片與枝條的碳氮比明顯下降,並顯著低於未遮光處理。然而,利用遮光處理之蓮霧開花數卻顯著高於未遮光處理。根據此結果推論,蓮霧開花之機制可能與高碳氮比無關,但重修剪後利用遮光處理確實可提高催花率,而環刻處理的催花效果則較不顯著。


澱粉 環刻 碳氮比 開花


This study investigates the change in the carbon and nitrogen content due to shade and girdling of wax apple (Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry) and determines the relationship between the flowering of wax apple and the carbon, nitrogen content and the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio). After harvesting, the wax apples are heavily pruned and then subjected to shading and girdling during the growth stage. The carbon and nitrogen content, the ratio of total nonstructural carbohydrate to nitrogen (TNC/N ratio) during the growth stage and the amount of inflorescence is determined. After heavy pruning, the total soluble sugar content in the leaves and branches of wax apple is decreased when it is subject to shading and fluctuates slightly, thereafter, but the starch content of the leaves after shading is gradually reduced with the season. However, the total soluble sugar content of the leaves of plants that are not subject to shading increases significantly with the season. The nitrogen content of the leaves and branches during shading increases initially and then decreases in the later period. The nitrogen content in plants that are not subject to shading is significantly reduced and the nitrogen content is lower for plants that are not subject to shade than for those which are. The TNC/N ratio of leaves and branches is reduced when there is shading and it is lower than that for plants that are not subject to shade. After forced flowering, a greater amount of inflorescence is observed for plants that are subject to shading than for those which are not. This result demonstrates that the mechanism for flowering in wax apple may be unrelated to the TNC/N ratio in the leaves and branches. Shading improves the flowering rate, but girdling treatment has no obvious effect on the rate of forced flowering.


starch nitrogen girdling C/N ratio flowering
