  • 期刊

Evaluation of Rice Varieties for Feed Crop with Agronomic Characters



水稻(Oryza sativa L.)為世界三大穀類作物之一,僅次於小麥(Triticum aestivum L.)及玉米(Zea mays)。水稻主要供生產稻穀作為食用,水稻全植株包括莖稈、稻穀和米糠等均可以作為動物的飼料。由於稻的種原豐富且具形態多樣性,本試驗選擇23個具高生產潛力的品種(系)於行政院農業委員會臺南區農業改良場嘉義分場進行,評估不同材料其不同期作之農藝性狀及其矽含量之差異。綜合上述之結果,高雄秈7號、PAI-KO-PU-CHAN及Mudgo等三水稻品種最具有全株飼料用水稻之潛力,其具高產、抗病、抗倒伏及低矽含量等特性。由上述結果顯示,此等水稻品種(系)值得繼續評估供芻料利用之可行性,而用途不同則栽培之品種(系)亦隨之不同。


水稻 飼料 農藝性狀


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the third largest crop by volume in the world, behind wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and corn (Zea mays). Rice can be used to produce meals. In addition, the straw, grain and rice bran of rice plants can be used as forage to feed ruminants. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the agronomic characters of rice for feed crops in Taiwan. Twenty three rice varieties (lines) were used in this experiment. The whole plant of the rice was harvested at the milk stage. The agronomic characters and the silicon content of the whole plant were determined at harvest. The results showed the entries Kaohsiung-Sen 7, PAI-KO-PU-CHAN and Mudgo might have potential for forage use in Taiwan. They produced higher yield, were more resistant to disease and lodging, and had lower silicon content than the others. Different rice cultivars (lines) had different utilization levels. It is suggested these rice cultivars (lines) deserved further evaluation for forage use.


Rice Forage Agronomic character
