

水稻(Ogyza sativa L.)為世界三大穀類作物之一,主要供生產稻穀作為食用,水稻全植株包括莖稈、稻穀和米糠等均可以作為動物的食料。由於稻的種原豐富且具形態多樣性,本試驗選擇23個具高生產潛力的品種(系)於行政院農業委員會臺南區農業改良場嘉義分場進行,評估期作對青貯品質如粗蛋白含量(crude protein; CP)、酸洗纖維(acid detergent fiber; ADF)、中洗纖維(neutral detergent fiber; NDF)、酸洗木質素(acid detergent lignin; ADL)以及青貯處理後有機酸含量之影響。綜合結果,經青貯處理後,臺稉2號於一期作ADL含量低於10%,Pai-Ko-Pu-Chan及臺稉2號有較高的乳酸。青貯品質Flieg's point評分顯示,一期作W-354、Tox31081、臺中秈10號、臺稉2號及高雄秈7號介於48至80分,二期作Pai-Ko-Pu-Chan為54-58分較高。一般而言,一期作之品質較二期作為佳,水稻添加玉米粉對於Flieg's point 評分影響不大。由上述結果顯示,此等水稻品種(系)值得繼續評估供飼料用之可行性,而期作不同則栽培之品種(系)亦隨之不同。


水稻 飼料 青貯品質 Flieg's point


Rice (Orgyza sativa L.), the third biggest crop grown in the world, can be used for meals. Straw and bran of rice plants can also be used for forage feed to animals. Objectives of this study were to evaluate the silage quality of rice to be used as forage in Taiwan. Twenty-three rice varieties (lines) were used in this experiment. Rice plants were harvested at the milk stage, and were chopped and put into the plastic tubes to make silage with or without corn meals. The contents of crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL) and organic acids in the rice plants after ensiling were determined. The results showed that ADL content in cv. Taikeng No.2 was below 10% and both line Pai-Ko-Pu-Chan and cv. Taikeng No.2 had higher lactate content than the others tested lines and cultivars. Flieg's points of lines W-354 and Tox31081, cv. Taichung-Sen No.10 and Taikeng No.2 ranged from 48 to 80 points in the first crop and line Pai-Ko-Pu-Chan was the highest with 54 points in the second crop. Generally the silage quality of rice plants grown in the first crop was better than that in the second crop. Further, addition of corn meals had no effect on the silage quality of rice plants.


Rice Forage Silage quality Flieg's point
