  • 期刊


Method Comparison for Estimating Rice Yield of Fields




稻穀產量 收量 實收面積 估計 容重 含水率


To set the policy on food supply, the government agency needs to survey rice yield in Taiwan. Every year, over 2000 points are sampled. The survey work (named the conventional method) includes harvesting, threshing, fan cleaning, drying, and weighing rice samples. It is tedious and time consuming and, therefore, there is a need for an alternative. This study tests new methods and compares the difference in wet rice yield and dry rice yield with the conventional method. Twelve sample fields were selected and tested in Pingtung in 2013. The results show there was no significant difference in the comparison of wet rice yield measured by the conventional method and by the proposed method, suggesting the proposed method is a valid alternative for yield estimation. For dry rice yield, testing of three proposed methods showed no significant difference, but each method significantly differed from the conventional method. The absolute difference percentage for all samples is about 13% on average, and among them, six samples are less than 5%. The results also suggest less difference in yield can be obtained when procedures are conducted as follows: 1) select good rice condition and field condition, 2) follow the standard straw sampling process, 3) calibrate the instruments.


